======================== HES POSTING =================== 
Dear Colleagues, 
We are delighted to invite you to the annual meetings of the History of 
Economics Society, to be held at the University of Quebec at Montreal 
(UQAM), Montreal, Canada, June 19 - 22, 1998.  Please note that the 
following information is also being sent by normal mail to all members of 
the HES and is available on the HES website at 
We remind you that the Call for Papers was sent out by HES President-Elect 
Dave Colander last fall (a reminder was posted to HES along with this  
message).  The deadline for receiving proposals has been slightly extended  
to February 15, and further information concerning the conference program  
may be had from Dave Colander at Tel. (802) 443-5302, Fax (802) 443-2084,  
or E-mail [log in to unmask] 
Montreal is a vibrant, stimulating, multicultural city.  In June, the 
weather is invariably sunny and warm, the outdoor cafes are overflowing, 
and the ice storms of winter have long since been forgotten.  The UQAM 
campus is right in the heart of Montreal, close to restaurants, shops, 
museums, and other places of interest, and the conference has been planned 
in such a way as to give you maximum time to enjoy the city.  The meetings 
will be held at UQAM's Ecole des Sciences de la Gestion (School of 
Management Science), and you can choose to stay at either the brand new 
University Residences or the Lord Berri Hotel, both of which are a short 
walk from the conference site. 
On-site registration will begin on the afternoon of Friday 19th.  The 
conference will open that evening at 6pm with a keynote address by Nathan 
Rosenberg, which will be followed by a substantial Reception-Buffet.  The 
conference sessions will be held over the following three days, Saturday 
20th, Sunday 21st, and Monday 22nd.  Coffee, croissants and similar fare 
will be provided on site as you arrive each morning and, each day, you will 
be free to take lunch in the area nearby.  On Saturday, after the sessions 
and the HES Business Meeting, there will be a wine reception from 6-7pm, 
after which you may wish to dine out in one of Montreal's many restaurants. 
On Sunday, the Presidential address will be followed by the social 
highpoint of the weekend, the Conference Banquet, and, on Monday, around 
noon, the meetings will draw to a close. 
Below you will find three items: Conference Information, an Accomodation 
Form, and a Registration Form.  Please read them all carefully and return 
the Accomodation and Registration Forms, by regular mail or fax, by March 
31.  Should you have any questions concerning your visit, please contact me 
at [log in to unmask], labelling your message "HES". 
We greatly look forward to seeing you in Montreal in June!  On behalf of 
Dave Colander, I remain, 
Yours sincerely, 
                Valerie Cauchemez 
                (Local organiser, HES Montreal) 
CONFERENCE INFORMATION        H.E.S., Montreal, June 19-22 
Everyone attending the conference is expected to register, and 
pre-registration is encouraged.  All program participants must pre-register 
in order to be included in the final program.  The full registration fee 
covers attendance at all sessions, all coffee breaks, the Saturday wine 
reception, a copy of the abstracts, and the program materials. 
Student registration includes attendance at sessions, all coffee breaks, 
the Saturday wine reception, a copy of the abstracts, and the program 
materials.  In order to qualify for the special registration fee, students 
must enclose proof of status for the current academic year with their 
registration form. 
Registration fees, less a $35 administration charge, will be refunded if 
cancellation is received in writing by June 1, 1998.  After that date, 
registration fees are non-refundable.  All refunds will be processed after 
the Conference. 
To take advantage of the reduced early registration fees, please complete 
the enclosed registration form and return it no later than March 31, 1998. 
Registration postmarked April 1 or later will be subject to late 
registration fees.  Registration will be accepted by fax if credit card 
information is supplied. 
The Conference registration desk will be located in UQAM's Ecole des 
Sciences de la Gestion, Building R, at 315 St. Catherine St. East, and will 
open at 2.00pm Friday, June 19. 
Accomodation for the conference will be at the UQAM Student Residences, 303 
Rene Levesque Blvd., for the most part, and at the Lord Berri Hotel, 1199 
Berri St.  The Residences are brand new, having opened this year, are 
simple but perfectly comfortable, and provide all necessities such as 
linen, towels, telephone with voice mail, etc. 
Reservation: N.B.  Because of the city's numerous cultural and sporting 
events, such as the Grand Prix and the Jazz Festival, visitor accomodation 
in Montreal in June is at an absolute premium.  Reservation of either the 
Residence or the Hotel must therefore be received by March 31 and should be 
done by completing and returning the Accomodation Form.  We cannot 
guarantee accomodation requests made after this date, and anybody who 
chooses to arrive in Montreal without any reservation will most likely have 
trouble finding a vacancy. 
Payment : For Residence accomodation, this must be included with the 
registration fee, by March 31.  For Hotel accomodation, a one-day deposit 
($CAN 105) must be included with the registration fee, and the balance then 
paid in June at the Lord Berri Hotel. 
Montreal's Dorval and Mirabel airports are served by numerous airlines 
including Air Canada, British Airways, Air France, Lufthansa, Continental, 
Delta, and American Airlines.  Transportation from the airports to the 
hotel is by bus and by taxi.  The bus will bring you to the Voyageur Bus 
Station, a five-minute walk from both the Hotel and the University 
Residences.  From Dorval, the nearest airport, the bus costs around $9, and 
the taxi around $25.   From Mirabel, the bus costs around $8, and the taxi 
around $55. 
The Conference will begin on Friday afternoon, June 19, at 6pm with an 
Opening Plenary Session (Keynote speaker: Nathan Rosenberg), followed by a 
Reception-Buffet.  These and all subsequent events, including sessions and 
the Conference Banquet, will take place in UQAM's Ecole des Sciences de la 
Gestion, Building R, at 315 St. Catherine St. East. 
V.      PROGRAM 
The call for papers was first mailed by Dave Colander in September.  Please 
contact him at Tel. (802) 443-5302, Fax (802) 443-2084, or E-mail 
[log in to unmask] for further information concerning the program. 
Dave has slightly extended the deadline for submitting paper proposals to 
February 15, 1998. 
ACCOMODATION FORM                             H.E.S., Montreal, June 19-22 
Please make your choice of accomodation, complete the required information, 
and return this form by March 31.  We emphasise once again the scarcity of 
accomodation in Montreal in the month of June and the importance of this 
deadline.  If you reserve the Residence, calculate below the total payment 
required and then include it in the Registration Form (under Conference 
Fees, opposite Accomodation Reservation).  If you reserve the Hotel, 
include a one-day deposit of $CAN 105 in the Registration form, in the same 
place, and pay the balance at the hotel in June.  Please note that prices 
are quoted in Canadian dollars and are inclusive of tax.  N.B. Reservations 
will be made on a first-come, first-served basis.  If your request cannot 
be accomodated, the next-best reservation will be made and your consent 
will be sought by fax or by e-mail. 
UQAM University Residences 
Type A : single bedroom, with private bath.  Cost $55 per room per night. 
Type B : separate bedrooms, bathroom shared with one other guest.  Cost $45 
per bedroom per night. 
Type C :  separate bedrooms,  bathroom shared with seven other guests. 
Cost $35 per bedroom per night. 
NAME (please print):_______________________________ 
TYPE OF UNIT CHOSEN: A ____  B ____   or   C _____ 
NIGHTS TO RESERVE :  June 19___  20___  21____ 
        IF YES, WITH WHOM?________________________ 
Lord Berri Hotel  (Tel. (514) 845-9236) 
Approximately 50 bedrooms available.  Cost: $105 per room per night. 
NAME (please print):_______________________________ 
NIGHTS TO RESERVE :  June 19___  20___  21____ 
REGISTRATION FORM                             H.E.S., Montreal, June 19-22 
N.B. All prices are quoted in Canadian dollars. Provision has been made for 
payment by check in U.S. dollars: see below. 
 Registration      Before March 31               After March 31 
      Full            $CAN120                       $CAN140 
      Students        $CAN60                        $CAN70              $_____ 
 + Reception and Buffet (Friday)       _____ tickets @  $CAN25          $_____ 
 + Conference Banquet (Sunday)         _____ tickets @  $CAN50          $_____ 
 + University Residence Payment or Hotel Deposit                        $_____ 
             (from Accomodation Form) 
 = Total Amount Due                                                     $_____ 
METHOD OF PAYMENT    Check* _____     Visa______   Mastercard _____ 
                (Payable to the History of Economics Society). 
* U.S. residents, if you wish to write a check in U.S. dollars, simply 
multiply the Total Amount Due by .75, and issue your check for that amount. 
                             NAME, as it appears on card.  Please print or type. 
                             ________________________        _______________ 
                             CARD NUMBER                     Expiration Date 
        NAME, Please print or type. 
        ADDRESS contd. 
        CITY                               STATE   ZIP          COUNTRY 
        ___________________________               _________________________ 
        TELEPHONE                                 FAX 
        AFFILIATION (for name tag) 
Valerie Cauchemez                                       Tel. (514) 286-9917 
History of Economics Society                            Fax (514) 879-8333 
Department of Economics                            E-mail 
[log in to unmask] 
University of Quebec at Montreal (UQAM) 
C.P. 8888, Succursale Centre-Ville 
Montreal H3C 3P8 
============ FOOTER TO HES POSTING ============ 
For information, send the message "info HES" to [log in to unmask]