The MAKING A DIFFERENCE project is a partnership between the Association
of Ontario Health Centres (AOHC), Ontario Prevention Clearinghouse
(OPC), The Centre for Health Promotion (CHP) and the Ontario Public
Health Association (OPHA).  Our overall long-term goal is to build
public capacity to understand and take action on conditions that make
Ontarians healthy or unhealthy.  The project is funded by Health Canada
to enhance understanding, support for and action on the determinants of

We would like to invite CLICK4HP subscribers to assist us in one phase
of the MAKING A DIFFERENCE project - we are trying to gather examples of
"defining moments in Canadian health".  Please note that we want to
concentrate on the "determinants of health" stories - eg. where action
on isolation, poverty, housing, environment has made a difference to the
health of a community.

We are looking for stories and examples to develop an awareness campaign
on "determinants" - building a different picture of what determines
health - something beyond health care technology.  We already know that
people can identify key determinants of health but we tend to think of
these in terms of "individual lifestyle choices" rather that
circumstances that can be changed through collective action.  We want to
find those "moments" (which may, in fact, represent years!) that will
make people stop with an AHA - that did make difference!!!

SO - please take a moment to contact us about a defining moment in
health (CLICK4HP subscribers outside of Ontario and Canada may wish to
suggest ideas, comments as well) - thank you all in advance.  You may
wish to respond, using the following headings as guides:

1. the determinant of health affected or changed by the action or
initiative - eg. healthy child development, workplace, policy, social
support, income distribution, housing, etc.

2. briefly describe the "moment"

3. what suggests to you/others that this initiative is key in
determining health

4. is there documentation, etc. available

5. who can be contacted for more information - since you may only be
suggesting the idea

Please respond to me (on behalf of the Making A Difference Project):

Peggy Schultz  -  [log in to unmask]
The Ontario Prevention Clearinghouse
1200 - 415 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario  M5B 2E7
1-800-263-2846 ext. 231  (Ontario)
(416) 408-2121 ext. 231
FAX:(416) 408-2122