Sydney is in the state of New South Wales (NSW); depending on the
level or type of contact your student is after the following
information may be useful:

1) NSW  Health Dept. divides NSW into 17 Area Health Services - about
6 - 8 are in the Sydney metropolitan area,a  are number are rural
locations etc.  Each Area Health Service has a Health Promotion Unit
that works at local level (contact the Health Promotion Co-ordinator
of each Area Health Service, see Sydney White Pages telephone
directory under NSW Health Dept.)
2) NSW Health Dept has a Health Promotion Strategies Unit within the
Centre for Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (contact Lyn
Stoker, NSW Health Dept Nth Sydney - white pages again.)
3)  The National Centre for Health Promotion is at Sydney University,
as you probably know (contact Professor Don Nutbeam)
4) Both Sydney University and the University of New South Wales have
a Masters in Public Health that may well have lots of health
promotion people and projects of interest to your student.

Lesley Dawes
Research and Evaluation
Centre for Education and Information on Drugs and Alcohol
Private Mail Bag 6
Rozelle. NSW. 2039
phone : 02 9818 0409
fax   : 02 9818 0441
email : [log in to unmask]