=================== HES POSTING ====================== 
The University of Louisville and the University of Kentucky announce three 
joint UK/UofL postdoctoral fellowships in the humanities.  These positions 
are part of a new Commonwealth Humanities initiative of the two 
Universities.  The joint search committee seeks candidates who are creative 
and show promise for innovative and integrative humanities research and 
teaching, along with disciplinary expertise in a humanities field.   
Each Commonwealth Humanities Fellow will be associated with one or more 
senior scholars and will participate in scholarly work leading to 
publication and presentation. The Fellow will be expected to design and  
teach up to two courses per semester.  These courses may include  
traditional lecture-based or seminar courses and other innovative teaching  
experiences.  The teaching assignment will be based on the complexity of  
the courses, nature of the research program and unique projects of the  
Fellow.  Courses may be team taught.   
Each Fellow will have a primary scholar-mentor at either UofL or at UK and 
be located there.  He or she will spend at least one week of each semester 
teaching students and presenting research seminars at the partner 
institution.  Fellows will be involved also in community-based projects in 
the humanities.   
Candidates from the humanities and humanistically-inflected social science 
disciplines are eligible.  The successful candidate will hold the Ph.D. by 
the time of appointment.   Along with a letter of application, send a vita, 
evidence of successful teaching, an abstract of the dissertation, a 
one-page description of a proposed undergraduate course and a one-page 
description of current and future research interests.  Applicants should 
arrange for three letters of recommendation from senior scholars, at least 
two from their discipline, to be sent to the address below. 
The Joint Search Committee will begin review of applications on March 1, 
1998 and continue until all positions are filled.  The appointments may 
begin as early as August 1998.  Fellows will receive $ 29,000 plus benefits 
(according to the policies of the hiring institution).  The program has a 
travel budget to support Fellows in attending professional meetings to make 
presentations.  The Fellow is evaluated each year, and the appointment may 
be renewed.  Fellows will have two weeks' vacation (10 working days), in 
addition to holidays observed by the hiring institution. 
Send applications to: 
Professor Wolfgang Natter 
UK/UofL Humanities Initiative 
201 Gillis Building 
University of Kentucky 
Lexington, Kentucky 40506-0033 
The University of Louisville and the University of Kentucky are affirmative 
action/equal opportunity employers.  Women and minority members are 
especially encouraged to apply. 
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