====================== HES POSTING ====================  
Announcing the publication of the 
History of Economics Review 
No.27 Winter 1998 
Minisymposium on the Refereeing and Editorial Process: 
Introduction  ...  Robert Leeson 
Journal Editing in the History of Economic Thought  ... Warren Samuels 
Some Reflections on Editing HOPE  ... Craufurd Goodwin 
Selection Criteria in the HET ... Vincent Tarascio 
Other Articles: 
Hearn's Plutology or Hearn's Olbology  ... Alan Treloar and John Pullen 
Marx, Money and Modern Themes  ...  Douglas Vickers 
Oxford Versus Cambridge on How to Pay for the War  ... John King 
Countervailing Egos - Stigler Versus Galbraith  ... Craig Freedman 
Keynes and Darwin  ... John Laurent 
Review Article: 
Kindleberger and the Lender of Last Resort  ... Gregory Moore 
HETSA Conference 
The cost is $US10 which includes postage. Send checks payable to HETSA to 
John Lodewijks 
School of Economics 
University of New South Wales 
Sydney 2052 
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