===================== HES POSTING ======================= 
[NOTE: I received several private emails regarding this query. All  
suggested that Hawtrey may have helped Keynes enter the Cambridge  
Conversazione Society, better known as the "Apostles," but until now none  
could provide references which actually indicated that Hawtrey had a role  
in Keynes's election to the Apostles. -- RBE] 
Thomas Dickson, one of my undergraduate students, has found the reference 
Hawtrey helping to select Keynes for membership of the Apostles: 
E. Davis (1981, 204).  R.G. Hawtrey 1879-1975.  In O'Brien, D and Presley,  
J. Pioneers of Modern Economics in Britain. London: Macmillan. 
Robert Leeson 
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