===================== HES POSTING ==================== 
Science & Technology Studies 
Postdoctoral Fellowship Available 1998-99 
The Department of Science & Technology Studies at Cornell University 
invites applications for a one-year postdoctoral fellowship.  The Fellow 
will be expected to carry out research on the social, political, legal or 
ethical dimensions of scientific knowledge.  Preference will be given to 
work of contemporary significance.  Applicants with relevant backgrounds in 
science and technology studies, history of science and technology, cultural 
studies of science and technology, law or political science are encouraged 
to apply. 
The Fellow will be required to teach one course each term on topics such as 
US science policy and politics, law and science, science and culture, or 
the comparative politics of science and technology.  In addition, the 
Fellow will participate in training graduate students in the Department. 
The fellowship, for the 1998-99 academic year, carries a stipend of $33,000 
plus health benefits.  The Fellow must have completed all requirements for 
the Ph.D. by September 1998.  Applications, which should include a 
curriculum vitae (including list of publications), three letters of 
recommendation, a course syllabus in one of the areas proposed above, and a 
brief outline of proposed research, should be sent by 15 April 1998 to: 
Postdoctoral Search Committee, Department of Science & Technology Studies, 
726 University Avenue, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY  14850-3995. 
Telephone:  (607) 255-6234.  Fax: (607) 255-0616.  Email: [log in to unmask] 
 Homepage: http://www.sts.cornell.edu/CU-STS.html. Cornell University is an 
Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. 
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