===================== HES POSTING =================== 
Registration Deadline is April 27th, 1998 
The International Association for Social Science Information Service and 
Technology (IASSIST) and the Social Science Computing Association (SSCA) 
invite you to register for their joint 1998 Conference. 
AUDIENCE:  IASSIST conferences bring together professionals who are engaged 
in the creation, acquisition, processing, documentation, maintenance, 
distribution, preservation and use of computerized social science data. The 
Social Science Computing Association brings together users and designers of 
computer-based systems for social science research, including educators and 
students interested in the links between the social sciences and 
technology.   The complementary and overlapping interests of these 
professional organizations provide a rich spectrum of expertise in which to 
explore new ideas and solutions. 
CONFERENCE DETAILS: The conference will open with workshops on Tuesday, May 
19th, followed by 3 days of plenaries, sessions, panels, speakers, and 
social events.  The Conference sessions will be held in William Harkness 
Hall on the campus of Yale University. 
For complete information, including workshop choices and registration 
forms, go to the conference website: 
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