===================== HES POSTING ==================== 
Several announcements regarding lodging in Montreal this June: 
1. CONFERENCE HOTEL: please inform conference coordinator   
Valerie Cauchemez <[log in to unmask]> of all changes in registration. 
It is not sufficient to contact the hotel directly.  If you don't believe 
it, see the note from VC, appended below! 
2. UNIVERSITY RESIDENCES: lodging is available for the Conference nights 
and also for the preceding and following nights for those who would like 
to arrange a longer visit.  Contact Valerie Cauchemez 
<[log in to unmask]> 
3. CONFIRMATION OF REGISTRATION will be mailed in early May.  (This is 
critical for hotel lodging.   It sounds to me like university lodging will 
be flexible in June; not sold out for the festivals.) 
For information on the 1998 Conference or on Montreal and Quebec, consult 
our HES'98 site:  
(or via "Announcements" on the homepage). 
Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 17:04:33 -0400 (EDT) 
From: Valerie Cauchemez <[log in to unmask]> Subject: HES'98: lodging 
.. . . 
Some participants have been contacting the hotel directly to make changes 
to their registration. Could you warn everybody that I match the 
information I have with the hotel's and [my record] prevails in the end. 
.. . . 
============ FOOTER TO HES POSTING ============ 
For information, send the message "info HES" to [log in to unmask]