
I was asked to post the following message, when one of Click4HP's
long-time subscribers had been unable to post, due to an email address
change.  This is a very common occurrence - if your Internet Service
Provider has changed your email address, in either the domain name or
your name part - you may still be receiving your email as forwarded to
the new address, but your new 'name' is not recognized by the list.  How
to deal with this?  The easiest way can be to contact your list-owners
and ask them to delete your 'old' name and add your 'new' name.
Otherwise you will have to fiddle with resetting your mail address to
unsubscribe, and then change it back to resubscribe. Sorry about the
confusion, but we are glad to keep you with us!


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Alison Stirling, co-facilitator, Click4HP
E-Mail: [log in to unmask]  Internet: http://www.web.net/~stirling/
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

From: Eileen Conway-Martin <[log in to unmask]>

Hi Everyone,

The PEI Branch of the Community Health Promotion Network Atlantic and
the Atlantic Centre for the Study of Human Health invite you to
particpate in a FREE International Virtual Conference entitled, "Sharing
the Circle - Telling the Story" from June 15-18, 1998.

By using the story-telling method (Labonte & Featherstone), presenters
and participants from across the world will dialogue around population
health stories.  These stories will feature community people,
practictioners, academics, researchers, and policy makers that have
utilized the PEI Circle of Health as a framework or have used equally
valid models/appoaches to impact on health in its most holistic sense.

Registration for this conference is very easy.  Just go into our home
page http://www.acshh.itas.net and the information is right there.  You
will be contacted asap to confirm your registration and will be given a
pass word.  As well,  there will be a practice week for all of us to
practice during the previous week, June 8-12.

IMPORTANT: Personal support and coaching will be a key component of this
conference.  I will be available during the practice week and throughout
the conference to assist you with any questions or concerns you may
have. Behind me, will be a back up technical crew.


Please feel free to e-mail at anytime... looking forward to you

                        Eileen Conway-Martin
                        PEI Chpna Provincial Facilitator