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DARWIN'S MILLENNIUM -- University of Southampton 
The First Science and Culture Conference 
An international multidisciplinary conference hosted by the 
School of Research and Graduate Studies, Faculty of Arts, 
University of Southampton 
JULY 3-5, 1998 
John Dupre (Birkbeck/Exeter) 
George Levine (Rutgers University) 
James Moore (Open University) 
Adam Phillips 
Harriet Ritvo (MIT) 
This conference will enquire into the processes and effects of 
Charles Darwin's 'dangerous' ideas from the mid-eighteenth century 
onwards.  Biologists, historians, literary critics, philosophers and 
psychologists will discuss a wide-range of topics including: breeding, 
the nature of the 'human', literary interpretation and scientific method, 
the progress of science, reductionism, relativism and culture theory. 
The Conference will launch a new faculty MA in Culture and History of 
Science to start on September 1998. 
Conference Organisers:  Lucy Hartley and Cora Kaplan 
For details of the programme please contact: 
Darwin's Millennium, Department of English, 
University of Southampton, SO17 1BJ 
Tel: 01703 593409  -  Fax: 01703 592859 
Email: [log in to unmask] 
Website: www.soton.ac.uk/~darwin 
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