================= HES POSTING ======================= 
The Journal of the History of Ideas awards each year the Morris D.  
Forkosch Prize for a book in intellectual history, the stipend now being  
raised to $2000. 
Submissions are limited to the first book published by any author and to  
books published in English (no translations or collections) pertaining to  
one or more of the major disciplines associated with "intellectual  
history" broadly conceived, viz., history (including the history of  
various arts and sciences), philosophy (including the philosophy of  
science, aesthetics, and other fields), political thought (including  
economics, social science, and anthropology), and literature (including  
literary criticism and theory). The judges will favor publications  
displaying sound scholarship, original conceptualization, and significant  
chronological and interdisciplinary scope. 
The four-person committee must select from a vast range of publications;  
and it will be necessary to narrow the choice by maintaining the highest  
scholarly standards as well as depending in part on recommendations of  
publishers, who are requested to supply four copies of the book to members  
of the committee. 
We ask publishers to assist us in this process by limiting their  
nominations to a maximum of two books published in 1998. Nominations must  
arrive at the addresses of the committee members by 31 December 1998. The  
winner will be announced in May 1999. 
For further information, contact: 
Professor Donald R. Kelley, Editor 
Journal of the History of Ideas 
88 College Ave. 
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8542 
Tel: (732) 932-1227 
Fax: (732) 932-8708 
E-mail: [log in to unmask] 
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