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In the process of trying to pull together some research which would link 
the concepts of "free speech" and "free markets" I am very interested in 
finding some good sources which would, among other things, describe the 
emergence of merchant-class demands for "freer" communications in the 
Italian City-States ca. Machiavellia (give or take a few hundred years) 
in the late 15th Century.  Can anyone point me in some fruitful 
directions?  Preferably in English translations, 'cause it's been 
nearly 40 years since I studied Latin, (and, alas, never any Classical 
Italian -- a sure sign of a misspent youth 8<).  Also (my medieval 
European history is a bit dated, too)  anything that might suggest some 
ties back to the 13th-14th Century writings of Thomas Aquinas and the 
later Aquinians. 
Thank you in advance for any assistance which you may provide. 
Bill Moore, Department of Economics 
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville 
<[log in to unmask]>  (501) 575-6105 
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