===================== HES POSTING =================== 
NOTE: The following may be a outlet for book reviews by historians of  
economics who concentrate on the relation between economics and  
Metascience is a review journal which publishes high quality, 
comprehensive reviews of books in history and philosophy of science, 
science and technology studies and related fields. 
Metascience specialises in innovative styles of reviewing, including 
standard reviews, essay reviews, CD-Rom reviews, non-anglophone reviews, 
discipline survey reviews and round-table or review symposia in which up to 
four reviewers provide independent essay reviews of one book. Metascience 
is non-specialist as all reviews are accessible to a wide cross-section of 
the HPS/STS community. 
Free Sample Copy Available 
If you would like to review a sample copy of the journal prior to 
subscribing, please reply to [log in to unmask] with 
'METASCIENCE-SAMPLE COPY REQUEST' in the subject line and your full name, 
postal address, and the following information in the message, ie. whether 
you are planning to: 
a) Submit a review to the journal. 
b) Recommend your library to subscribe.  If so, I would be grateful for 
the name of the librarian and institution...... 
c) Subscribe to the journal yourself. 
Special Offer - Electronic Access is included in your institutional 
subscription to the print edition. 
Special Discounts available for Members of the following societies: 
AAHPSSS, APA, HSS, BSHS, PSA, AHSA, ISHPSSB.  See below for more details. 
Edited by John Forge 
ISSN: 0815-0796, 3 issues a year, Volume 7, 1998 
Institutional Subscription Rates: $123.00 (N America), =A375.00 
(UK/Europe), A$99.00 (Australia/New Zealand), =A375.00 (Rest of World) 
Personal Subscription Rates: $46.00 (N America), =A329.00 (UK/Europe), 
A$50.00 (Australia/New Zealand), =A329.00 (Rest of World) 
AAHPSSS Members: A$45.00 
APA, HSS, BSHS, PSA, AHSA, ISHPSSB Members: $40.00 (N America), 
(Rest of World) 
E Gillingham 
Blackwell Publishers 
108 Cowley Road 
Oxford, OX4 1JF 
Email:  [log in to unmask] 
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