=================== HES POSTING ==================== 
Larry Boland has asked me to announce that two of his books are now  
available on-line. In the sale of George Allen & Unwin to HarperCollins  
the copyright for these volumes reverted to Larry, and he has now made  
high quality versions of The Foundations of Economic Method (1982) and  
Methodology for a New Microeconomics: The Critical Foundations (1986/87)  
available. The books can be found at: 
Please note: in order to download the books, you will need Adobe Acrobat  
Reader because the files are in the PDF format. 
Ross B. Emmett 
Manager, Electronic Information, History of Economics Society  
Augustana University College 
e-mail: [log in to unmask] 
URL: http://www.augustana.ab.ca/~emmer 
============ FOOTER TO HES POSTING ============ 
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