================ HES POSTING ====================== 
[NOTE: The JHET web page will be revised in the next few weeks, but until  
then those interested can consult this message and the original  
announcement of Steve Medema's appointment. --RBE] 
A recent posting to this list provided contact information for the new 
editorial office of the Journal of the History of Economic Thought 
(http://www.eh.net/ehnet/Archives/hes/jun-98/0048.html).  The temporary 
email address and phone number given there have now been replaced by new, 
permanent ones. 
The JHET editorial office can now be contacted via email at 
[log in to unmask] and by phone at (303)556-5279. 
Steve Medema, Editor 
Journal of the History of Economic Thought 
Department of Economics 
Campus Box 181 
University of Colorado at Denver 
P.O. Box 173364                            email: [log in to unmask] 
Denver, CO  80217-3364                     phone: (303)556-5279 
USA                                        fax:   (303)556-3547 
============ FOOTER TO HES POSTING ============ 
For information, send the message "info HES" to [log in to unmask]