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Some secondary references on Boehm-Bawerk's horse market: 
A. M. Endres, "Some microfoundations of Austrian economics: Boehm- 
Bawerk's version," _European Journal of the History of Economic Thought_ 
3:1 (Spring 1996), pp. 84-106. 
F. Nymeyer, "Experiments with matching buy and sell orders in different 
ways," Supplement I to _Value and Price: An Extract from Boehm-Bawerk_, 
South Holland IL: Libertarian Press, 1973, pp. 187-204. 
Andrew Schotter, "Auctioning Boehm-Bawerk's horses," _International 
Journal of Game Theory_ 5:4 (1974), pp. 195-215. 
Another primary source (in addition to _The Positive Theory of Capital_) is 
S. Tomo, ed., _Early Lectures by Boehm-Bawerk_, Centre for Historical 
Science Literature, Hitotsubashi University, 1987, pp. 47-50. 
Robert Dimand 
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