>Barry Crimmins wrote:
>> My recollection of Brooks work was that he felt Twain failed to accomplish
>> what he could have because he wrote humor. He felt that Twain vented his
>> intellectual steam through humor rather than let it build to an eruption of
>> genuine intellect.  So I may have been slightly hyperbolic in coining the
>> term "humoracist" but only slightly.
>Thanks for the clarification.  I had originally totally missed the meaning
>of humoracism, a racist attitude toward humorists, I now presume.
>larry                          [log in to unmask]

Right, what I meant to imply was that Brooks was a bigot towards humorists
but I did not mean to imply he was a  racist in the traditional sense.

Thanks for giving me a chance to clear that up.

Barry Crimmins