Just wanted to pass the message along about a conference hosted by
the Canadian Heart Health Initiative November 15-18, 1998 in Halifax.
The title is "Taking Action on the Determinants of Health".  You can
check out our web site - www.med.mun.ca/chhdbc

Plenary speakers include Dr. John Miller, Ron Labonte, Virginia Bales
(CDC), Sylvie Stachenko WHO, Phil Donne, Pres. Kelloggs; Don Hunter,
Active Living; Dr. Brian O'Connor, B.C.; Dr. Cathy Donovon, NFLD;
Bill Tholl and Elinor Wilson, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada
among others.

Abstracts are due August 31 but they can be submitted online through
our web site.  Abstract tracks include - applying the determinants of
health; achieving effective intersectoral collaboration; building
healthy communities; exchanging community development experiences;
strengthening community action research skills; fostering the
development of multicultural heart health programs; enhancing the
preventaive practices of health professionals; and exploring
information technology.

Halifax in November - could it get any better!

Anne Cogdon
Heart Health Nova Scotia