===================== HES POSTING ==================== 
The following information is available at 
or through the Duke University Economics web site (go to History of  
Political Economy Workshop): http://www.econ.duke.edu. The Coordinator of  
the Duke History of Political Economy Workshop is E. Roy Weintraub  
([log in to unmask])  
All sessions meet on a Friday from 3:30-5:00 in #214 Soc. Sci. 
September 18 
Neil DeMarch, Duke University 
Putting Evidence in its Place: John Mill's Early Struggles  
in History  
October 2 
Michel DeVroey, Catholic Univ of Louvain; Duke Visiting Prof. 
The Marshallian Market and the Walrasian Economy: Incompatible   
October 23 
William Darity, UNC -CH 
Economic Thought and Population Growth 
November 13 
Christian Weber, Seattle Univ. 
Pareto and the 53 Percent Ordinal Theory of Utility 
December 4 
E. Roy Weintraub (Duke) and Ted Gayer (Georgetown) 
Equilibrium Proofmaking  
============ FOOTER TO HES POSTING ============ 
For information, send the message "info HES" to [log in to unmask]