================== HES POSTING ===================== 
British Society for the History of Science 
Singer Prize 
The Singer prize, of up to stlg300, is awarded by BSHS every two years to 
the writer of an unpublished essay based on original research into any 
aspect of the history of science, technology or medicine.  The Prize is 
intended for younger scholars or recent entrants into the profession and 
may be awarded to the writer of one outstanding essay, or may be divided 
between two or more entrants.  The Prize will be presented at at a BSHS 
meeting and publication in the _British Journal for the History of 
Science_ will be at the discretion of the Editor. 
Candidates must be currently registered for a postgraduate degree 
course or have completed such in the last two years.  Entry is in no 
way limited to British nationals.  Essays must not exceed 8,000 words 
(including footnotes), must be fully documented, typewritten or 
word-processed with double-line spacing, and submitted in English. Entries 
(3 copies, stating the number of words) should be sent to arrive not later 
than 31 October 1998.  Essays should not bear any reference to the author, 
either by name or department;  candidates should send a covering letter 
with documentation of their status and details of any publications. 
Inquiries and entries should be addressed to:  Dr. J. Hughes, BSHS 
Secretary, CHSTM, Maths Tower, The University, Manchester, 
M13 9PL, UK.  Tel: (44) (0)161 275 5857.  E-mail: 
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