At 10:23 AM 9/14/98 -0500, Hal Bush wrote:
>Which film adaptations of Twain works do LIST members find to be the best/
>most faithful/ most authentic to the spirit of Mark Twain?

That's easy.  None of them have been faithful or authentic renditions of
Twain's books.  I admit, I haven't seen many of the older films (say
pre-1950's stuff), so cannot comment on them.  But the recent
ones--ugh!--not funny; too interested in political correctness--I think I
rewound the last one after ten minutes.

There was a (I think) a clay-mation version of *Captain Stormfield's ...."
which was okay, and had a funny line at the end about naked men having very
little influence in society.

But I don't expect that either TV or cinema will ever make a decent Twain
movie.  It's just not in the cards.



P.S. I'd love to have someone show me wrong on the above.