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The reference is to Martin Faustmannn, "Berechnung des Werthes, welchen  
Walboden sowie mach nicht haubare Holzbestande fuer die Waldwirtschaft 
besitzen," _Allgemeine Forst und Jagd Zeitung_ 15 (1849), 441-455, translated 
in M. Gane, _Martin Faustmann and the Evolution of Discounted Cash Flow_, 
Oxford Commonwealth Forestry Institute, Paper no. 42 (1968). See K. Lofgren, 
"The Faustmann-Ohlin Theorem: A Historical Note," _History of Political  
Economy_ 15 (1983), 261-264. As far as I know, Faustmann was the first to 
write about the calculation of present discounted value. 
Robert Dimand 
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