=================== HES POSTING ===================== 
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY STUDIES.  Stanford University seeks to make a 
tenure-track appointment in science and technology studies at the 
assistant professor level, to begin September 1999.  Candidates will be 
considered in the following fields:  anthropology, economics, political 
science and sociology.  Applicants will be expected to teach courses at 
both the graduate and undergraduate levels in science and technology 
studies.  The candidate's primary appointment will be in the appropriate 
department.  The successful candidate will also be an active participant 
in Stanford's interdisciplinary Science, Technology and Society Program.  
Please send letter of application, cv, three letters of recommendation, 
descriptions of sample courses, and a short writing sample by December 1, 
1998 to:  Chair, Science, Technology and Society Search Committee, ATTN:  
Department of [Anthropology, Economics, Sociology or Political Science], 
Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305.  Women and minorities are 
particularly encouraged to apply.  Stanford University is an equal 
opportunity, affirmative action employer.  
============ FOOTER TO HES POSTING ============ 
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