================== HES POSTING ====================== 
[Those in the Boston area may find this of interest. There was a  
significant debate of Landes' and Frank' work on Eh.Res last year. --  
David Landes and Andre Gunder Frank debate 
"ReOrient" vs. "The Wealth and Poverty of Nations" 
-- Two views of the World Economy in History 
The World History Seminar at Northeastern University, with co-sponsorship 
by the NU Department of Economics, presents a debate between David Landes 
(Harvard University) and Andre Gunder Frank (University of Amsterdam, 
Wednesday, Dec. 2nd 
3:00-4:30 p.m. 
450 Dodge Hall 
Northeastern University 
Event is free and open to the public. 
Teachers are encouraged to bring their students. 
for information contact World History Center Co-ordinator, Jeff Sommers 
ph. 617-373-3676 email: <[log in to unmask]> or see our web page 
Of Landes' work, J.K.GALBRAITH says "Truly wonderful.  No question that 
this will establish David Landes as preeminent in his field and in his 
ALBERT BERGESEN contends that Gunder Frank's ReOrient is "absolutely 
essential to understanding world history." 
LANDES  maintains that Max Weber was right about the RISE OF THE WEST in 
the past, Francis Fukuyama is right about THE END OF HISTORY  and Harvard 
colleague SAMUEL HUNTINGTON is right about the coming CLASH OF 
CIVILIZATIONS  between THE WEST AND THE REST. For Landes and them, the 
key to the West's success has been the  exceptionalism of its values and 
institutions, that were and still are lacking in the Rest. Thus, Landes 
refers to China as a culturally and intellectually homeostatic society 
that had indifference to technology, lacked institutions for finding and 
learning, abhorred mercantile success, showed deliberate introversion, 
isolationism, risk aversion, irrationality, xenophobia, arrogance, 
haughtiness, stunned submissiveness, self-defeating escapism and so on. 
FRANK retorts that Weber got it all wrong, and Marx, Polanyi, Parsons, 
Rostow, Braudel , Wallerstein and Frank [Mark I] too.  Landes himself 
already got it wrong  in his 1969 book UNBOUND PROMETHIUS AND, and his 
neglect or dismissal of  the intervening 30 years of scholarship make him 
still more wrong now.  Received  social theory, developed and uncritically 
accepted  by all of  the above and most other historians, economists and 
social scientists is vitiated by the ingrained EUROCENTRISM of 
historiography and social theory that concentrate their inquiry under the 
European American  streetlight,  which blacks out the evidence from the 
rest of the world and distorts that of the West itself. This triumphalist 
not to mention racist ideology masquerading as history and even science  
neglects or  altogether rejects  holistic historical analysis of  the 
global economy and society , which shows  that not Europe but  instead 
Asia, and particularly Middle Kingdom China, remained predominant in the 
world until at  1800.  The subsequent Decline of the East and  the shift 
of the center of gravity to  the West were more globally than locally 
determined temporary processes that have runtheir 
historical course and are already coming full circle with the contemporary 
renewed rise of East Asia and particularly of China. Therefore, it is high 
time to ReORIENT our historiography, social theory and political policy as 
well, all the more so  in view of the reiteration of and accolades for the 
poverty of Landesi empirically  mistaken  historyi and theoretically 
unfounded analysis, which also dovetail  with the equally unfounded and 
socio-politically dangerous  propaganda about End of History and Clash 
of Civilizations. 
ReORIENT blurbs refer to the  fundamental rethinking by the iconoclast 
Frank  who challenges virtually all other significant scholarship about 
the historical origins of the contemporary world in a benchmark study for 
the millennium that is absolutely essential for understanding world 
LANDES retorts that Frank and his echoes are a magnet for fallacies and 
fantasies [and] the invention of folklore. Bad history. 
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