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Published by EH.NET  (November 1998) 
Thomas E. Hall and J. David Ferguson, _The Great Depression: An 
International Disaster  of Perverse Economic Policies_,  Ann Arbor: 
University of Michigan Press. 1998, Pp. xvii + 194, pp. $42.50 (cloth), 
ISBN: 0-472-09667-2. 
Reviewed for EH NET by  Elmus Wicker, Dept. of Economics, Indiana 
University.  <[log in to unmask]> 
The   authors   assert   that   they  wrote  this  book  for  two  reasons: 
disillusionment  with how macroeconomics is taught at the college level and 
a  commitment  to  the  Friedman  and  Schwartz interpretation of the Great 
Depression  that  the  Federal  Reserve was an "incredible source of policy 
errors."  From the first assertion, I infer that the audience for this book 
is  primarily  college  students,  though  I  think  it  deserves  a  wider 
readership  among  the  economically literate. From the second assertion, I 
infer  that  they believe that policymakers had the knowledge to have acted 
differently.  However,  at no point do the authors make a serious effort to 
defend  that  presumption.   I  will  illustrate their neglect with several 
crucial examples further on. 
The  book makes no pretence at being a contribution to our knowledge of the 
Great  Depression and cannot be judged by such a narrow criterion.  It must 
be  appraised  by  a different standard; that is, how well the authors pose 
the  major  questions that must be answered and the skill and judiciousness 
with  which  they  evaluate the current state of our knowledge of the Great 
Depression,  given  the  audience  to  which the book is addressed.  Lester 
Chandler's _America's Greatest Depression, 1929-1941_ (New York: Harper and 
Row,  1970)  is  the  only  competitor  that immediately comes to mind, but 
Chandler's  purpose was not to assess the current state of our knowledge of 
the  Great  Depression  but  to  describe what happened.  Nevertheless, the 
audience is apparently the same. 
Although  the  authors  stress that the Great Depression was a global event 
and not simply a U.S. debacle, the emphasis remains on what happened in the 
United   States.    For   example,   output   and   unemployment   in   the 
rest-of-the-world,  excluding  the  U.S. and two European countries, is not 
described.   Hall  and  Ferguson follow the current fad of placing the gold 
standard  as  the  central  focal point.  But what they and others have not 
done is to show specifically how the gold standard was causally significant 
for  the Great Depression in the U.S..  Gold standard considerations played 
a  very  minor role, if they played any role at all, in the decision of the 
New  York  Fed  to  advance  the discount rate in 1931;  moreover, the bank 
failure  rate  had  accelerated  two and one-half weeks before the discount 
rate  was  advanced.   Only  three of the thirteen chapters address foreign 
country  issues.  France, Germany, and Great Britain are treated in chapter 
4,  economic  recovery  in  Germany  in chapter 10, and the world financial 
crisis  in  chapter  7.  The reader can easily come away with the view that 
what  was  truly  significant  occurred  in  the  U.S.  and  a few European 
countries and not in the rest-of-the-world. 
The  Friedman  and Schwartz influence is apparent in at least two important 
respects:  the  overarching significance accorded the behavior of the money 
stock  and  the  negative  assessment  of the behavior of the policymakers, 
neither  of which is critically evaluated.  If the jury is still out on the 
money-income  causal  nexus,  the  burden of the historical evidence is too 
great    to   warrant   any   conclusion   about   the   Fed's   ineptness. 
What  is  absolutely crucial to appraising the performance of Fed officials 
is  to  know the extent of their knowledge of the determinants of the money 
stock.  Whether or not they could have offset the increase in 
the  currency-deposit  ratio  turns on what they knew or did not know about 
the  role of the C/D and R/D ratios as determinants of the money stock. The 
authors set out the modern textbook version of the determinants of M: 
                        M =  {(1 + cd)/(cd + rd)}B 
but   they   say   nothing   about  the  origins  of  that  equation.   The 
currency-deposit  ratio  was  not  fully  modeled  until  1933 in a pair of 
articles  by  James  Harvey  Rogers   ("The  Absorption  of  Bank  Credit." 
_Econometrica_,  1933,  Vol.  l, 63-70) and by James Angell and Karel Ficek 
("The Expansion of Bank Credit," _Journal of Political Economy_, 1933, Vol. 
41, 1-31 and 152-93).  Rogers' formal framework had appeared  in an earlier 
book,  _Stock Speculation and the Money Market_, (Lucas Brothers: Columbia, 
Missouri,  1927,  pp.  53-62) which was completely ignored by the economics 
profession.   Less  formally,  Benjamin  Strong,  Governor  of  the Federal 
Reserve  Bank  of  New  York,  introduced the currency-deposit ratio in the 
Stabilization  Hearings  in  1926  (Benjamin  Strong,  Hearings  Before the 
Committee  of  Banking  and  Currency, House of Representatives, 1926, 69th 
Congress,  parts  1-2, 334-5 and 422) and even earlier in The Report of the 
Joint  Committee  of  Agricultural  Inquiry  in 1922 (Agricultural Inquiry: 
Hearings  Before the Joint Commission of Agricultural Inquiry,  1922,  64th 
Congress.  1st  Session).   Although  Strong's  testimony includes a simple 
expansion process with a C/D ratio, this is by itself a mighty thin reed on 
which to hold the Federal Reserve System accountable for not forestalling a 
decline  in  the  money  stock between 1929 and 1933.  Neither Friedman and 
Schwartz  nor  Hall  and  Ferguson  have demonstrated that knowledge of the 
determinants  of  the  money  stock was available to Fed officials.  In its 
absence the case for the Fed's ineptness collapses. 
Friedman  and  Schwartz  have  made  a  distinguished  contribution  to our 
understanding  of  the Great Depression, but Hall and Ferguson's uncritical 
acceptance  of  some  of  their  historical  interpretations  of particular 
episodes reveals a lack of acquaintance with more recent contributions. For 
example, the authors repeat and apparently accept the Friedman and Schwartz 
view  that had Benjamin Strong lived Fed policy would have been better. But 
that  is  no  longer  a defensible hypothesis.  The Fed did in 1930 exactly 
what  it  had done in 1924 and 1927--that is reduce the indebtedness of the 
New  York  Fed to $50 million.  It worked in 1924 and 1927; it did not work 
in  1930!   Moreover,  there  are no defensible grounds for criticizing the 
Fed's  behavior  for  ignoring  the demand for excess reserves when raising 
reserve  requirements in 1936 and 1937. I know of no American economist who 
had any knowledge of a demand for excess reserves. 
In  attempting  to explain the slow recovery from the Great Depression, the 
authors  pay  no attention at all to Michael Darby's unemployment estimates 
("Three  and  a Half Million Employees Have Been Mislaid: An Explanation of 
Unemployment,  1934-1941,"  _Journal of Political Economy_, Vol. 84, 1-16). 
He maintained that the slow recovery from 1934 to 1941 was a fiction--there 
was  a  strong movement toward the natural rate after 1935.  There are good 
reasons  to  question Darby's estimates, but no good reasons for completely 
ignoring them. 
Hall  and Ferguson appear to be carried away with their negative assessment 
of  Fed  policymakers.   At  one  point  they  refer  to  the  camps of the 
unemployed  and  destitute  peoples  as   "Federalreservevilles" instead of 
"Hoovervilles".   Neither  appellation  is apt.  It is obvious that both go 
far beyond what either the historical of statistical evidence warrants. The 
tone is stridently judgmental. 
The  book  may  very well succeed in rejuvenating moribund students who are 
trying  to  master  macroeconomics,  but  the  authors  fail  to  present a 
convincing  case  that  Fed  policy  was  an "incredible sequence of policy 
Elmus Wicker 
Department of Economics 
Indiana University 
Elmus Wicker is Professor of Economics, Emeritus at Indiana University.  He 
is  the  author  of  _Banking  Panics  of  the Great Depression_, Cambridge 
University  Press.  1996,  and  has  recently completed a manuscript titled 
_Banking Panics of the National Banking Era_. 
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