=================== HES POSTING ===================== 
Portraits of Famous Economists 
Department of Economics 
Louisiana State University 
Go to http://www.bus.lsu.edu/economics/ and click on "Portraits of Famous  
The bulk of these portraits are from the Richard Ely Collection, held by 
the Department of Economics at Louisiana State University. If you wish to 
use them, permission must be granted by the Department of Economics and 
Professor William F. Campbell <[log in to unmask]>, creator of the  
The collection includes portraits of Frederick Bastiat, Eugen von  
Boehm-Bawerk, John R. Commons, Henry Carey, Bruno Hildebrand, Jacob  
Hollander, John Stuart Mill, Karl Knies, Friedrich List, Karl Marx, Carl  
Menger, Robert Owen, A.C. Pigou, P.J. Proudhon, Francois Quesnay, David  
Ricardo, Wilhelm Roscher, Gustav Schmoller, Nassau Senior, Adam  
Smith, Herbert Spencer, and Thorstein Veblen 
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