I wrote the entry on Paige for the Mark Twain Encyclopedia, so I looked at all I could, but I don't remember a photograph. Of course, I wasn't specifically looking for one, and that's been awhile. I know if anybody will find one, Barb will, since she found the birth and death dates for Paige that I searched for for so long and so long and so fruitlessly. (Of Paige's prospective death, MT said if he had him in a steel trap, he would cut off all food and water and "watch that trap until he died".) I do have a description of Paige by Paine: "A small, bright-eyed, alert, smartly dressed man, with a crystal-clear mind, but a dreamer and a visionary." So that's who you're looking for! You might try looking for a picture in one of these: Roger Burlingame, Engines of Democracy (Scribner, 1940) John Smith Thompson, History of Composing Machines (NY, 1904) Waldemar Keampffert, A Popular History of American Inventions (New York, 1924), Vol. I, pp. 228-233. A stab in the dark, but might help!