=================== HES POSTING ==================== 
[Posted on behalf of Aladar Madarasz -- RBE] 
About classsical 
The term classical was used not only by Marx but by other German 
economists and historians about the middle of nineteenth century. For 
example Julius Kautz (who was Hungarian but studied at Leipzig) in his 
history of economics (with a reference to his former professor W.Roscher) 
characterized England as "the classical home of theoretical and practical 
economics {National-Oekonomie}" and listed Hume, Smith, Ricardo and Malthus 
as "the classical masters of the discipline" excluding the second rank: 
Torrens, MacCulloch, Senior, James Mill, Wakefield, Tooke, Banfield and 
John Stuart Mill. (Julius Kautz: Die geschichtliche Entwicklung der 
National-Oekonomie und ihre Literatur Wien, 1860, pp. 488-489) This usage 
of a metaphor was influenced by contemporary literary and aesthetic theory. 
Aladar Madarasz 
Senior Research Fellow 
Institute of Economics 
Hungarian Academy of Sciences 
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