ARF has developed and evaluated a school-based
program for youth at risk of developing problems
related to alcohol/drug use, truancy, violence etc.
("Opening Doors") If you are interested in seeing
the research report or hearing about the program,
please feel free to call me (416-595-8740) or
email:  [log in to unmask]

>>> "Dr. Billie Thurston"
<[log in to unmask]> 02/01/99 07:23pm
I am sending this for San - Please respond to my

Hello fellow health promotion researchers and
program planners:

I am conducting a literature review of the
philosophies and/or practices

around program planning that is directed at
specific "risk groups"
versus programming that is targeted at a "general
population." I am
hoping that someone will be able to give me some
useful references or

For example, if we say that teenaged girls from
single-parent households

are more likely to smoke, is it more appropriate to
focus intervention
efforts specifically at such girls, or should all girls
aged 12-17 be

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

San Patten, M.Sc. Community Health Sciences
University of Calgary