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Call for papers: 
a panel to be held at the Twenty-Third Annual Conference of the 
Northeast American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 
December 9-12, 1999 
University of New Hampshire 
Durham, New Hampshire 
Recent discussions in the humanities and the social sciences regularly 
presume that there is something called the "Enlightenment Project" that 
needs to be redeemed, reconstructed, deconstructed, gotten back to, or 
gotten over. Yet those who invoke the "Enlightenment project" have not 
always been very precise as to what this project was supposed to involve 
or very forthcoming in their account of who was allegedly involved in 
it.  In the meantime, at least some historians of the eighteenth century 
have expressed doubts about the existence of "the" Enlightenment and 
have instead suggested that there were a number of different 
enlightenments -- each, presumably, with its own projects. 
This panel invites papers that address any of the manifold historical 
and conceptual issues at stake in invocations of the "Enlightenment 
Please submit proposals by Monday, April 5, 1999, to 
James Schmidt 
University Professors Program 
Boston University 
745 Commonwealth Ave. 
Boston, MA 02215 
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Proposals should include:  an abstract, an institutional affiliation (if 
any), mailing and email addresses, phone and fax numbers, and a list of 
any audio-visual needs. 
All conference participants must be members of NEASECS at the time of 
the conference.  No person may give more than one paper at the 
For information about the conference, please see the web page at 
                             James Schmidt 
                           Boston University 
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