================= HES POSTING ================= 
[Best viewed in a non-proportional font because of the tables. -- RBE] 
Last month was our fourth birthday and our third anniversary at Eh.Net.  
The earliest extant subscriber list is 1996-03-01.  Here is a report on 
the number and geographic distribution of subscribers, derived from the 
four annual snapshots.  (I produce a "Geographic" report quarterly but 
sometimes distribute it only privately.) 
----Paul Wendt, Subscriptions Manager 
HES SUBSCRIBER REPORT, Mar'99                                     6 Mar 99 
-----------------------------                                   Paul Wendt 
1 Suppl: Geographic Distribution 1999-03 
The HES email list has 547 subscribers.  That is a count of persons, not 
addresses, and it incorporates a few other corrections.  For example, 18 
web-based subscribers in Russia have not replied to my welcome inquiry and 
are not counted here. 
Thirteen quarterly snapshots cover the 36 months since HES joined Eh.Net, 
based at Miami University, Ohio USA.  The current snapshot appears in the 
first column of numbers at left, with the quarterly history back to March 
1996 at right; times passes from right to left. 
        LARGE "REGION"           (USA, Europe, ...)  
        COUNTRY                  (USA, France, ...)  
        INSTITUTION              (Duke U, U Amsterdam, ...) 
    TECHNICAL NOTES              ("USAmerica" and "English") 
This a coarse and simplistic residential classification.  All subscribers 
South of the USA reside where Spanish or Portuguese is spoken.  All other 
subscribers outside the USA, Europe, and Asia (Turkey to Indonesia) reside 
in the former British empire.  So long as that is true, I will be probably 
be satisfied with five "regions" and two of them named "Latin America" and 
                     NOW    1998 1997 1996-03-01 
------------------------    -------------- 
ALL SUBSCRIBERS      547     471  388  200 
------------------------    -------------- 
      US America     253     221  205  112 
      Europe         181     151  110   58 
      Asia            32      25   20   11 
      Latin America   15      15   12    3 (south of US) 
      Commonwealth    66      59   41   16 (CA, ZA, AU, NZ) 
------------------------    -------------- 
US America           253     221  205  112 
not US America       294     250  183   88 
------------------------    -------------- 
English              348     303  264  137 (Commonwealth, US, UK, Ireland) 
not English          199     168  124   63  
                    NOW     1998 1997 1996-03-01 
ALL SUBSCRIBERS     100%     100  100  100 
------------------------    -------------- 
      US America     46       47   53   56 
      Europe         33       32   28   29 
      Asia            6        5    5    6 
      Latin America   3        3    3    1 
      Commonwealth   12       13   11    8 
------------------------    -------------- 
US America           46       47   53   56 
not US America       54       53   47   44 
------------------------    -------------- 
English              64       64   68   68 
not English          36       36   32   32 
                    YEAR TO    1997  1996 
                   1999-03-01   -98   -97 
ALL SUBSCRIBERS        16%      21%   94%  
-------------------            ---------- 
      US America       14        8    83 
      Europe           20       37    90 
      Asia             28       40    83 
      Latin America     0       25   300 
      Commonwealth     12       49   156 
-------------------            ---------- 
US America             14        8    83 
not US America         18%      37%  108% 
-------------------            ---------- 
English                15       15    93 
not English            18%      35%   97% 
"Country" of residence is generally indicated by the last component of an 
email address.  Here, addresses ending {.com .net .org .edu .gov .us .mil} 
are allocated to country of residence where known, otherwise to USAmerica. 
HES has subscribers in 42 countries, newly in Korea and Yugoslavia. 
(One or two others may be concealed in "USAmerica".  See Technical Note.) 
Next after USAmerica with 253 subscribers (46%) is France with 34 (6%). 
NUMBER OF COUNTRIES     42    35    33    24 
NUMBER OF PERSONS      547   471   388   200 
group code             NOW  1998  1996  1996 
--------------------------  ---------------- 
Eur   fr   France       34    27    23    11 
Eur   uk   UKBritain    28    22    17     7 
Eur   it   Italy        18    16    11     7 
Eur   de   Germany      15    12     9     4 
Eur   nl   Netherlands  15    14    13    10 
Eur   be   Belgium      11    10     9     5 
Eur   es   Spain        10     6     4       
Eur   pt   Portugal      9     9     5     4 
Eur   se   Sweden        8     8     3       
Eur   ch   Switzerland   6     6     3     5 
Eur   dk   Denmark       6     4     2       
Eur   at   Austria       5     4     4     1 
Eur   fi   Finland       3     3     1       
Eur   pl   Poland        2     2     1     1 
Eur   bg   Bulgaria      2     2     2       
Eur   gr   Greece        2     2     1       
Eur   hu   Hungary       2     1     1     1 
Eur   ie   Ireland       1     1     1     2 
Eur   no   Norway        1     1             
Eur        Russia        1     1             
Eur   by   Belarus       1                   
Eur   yu   Yugoslavia    1                   
AsiaW tr   Turkey        3     3     4     1 
AsiaW il   Israel        3     2     1       
AsiaW om   Oman          1                   
AsiaS my   Malaysia                          
AsiaS id   Indonesia                 1       
AsiaE jp   Japan        19    17    13     8 
AsiaE tw   Taiwan        2     2     1     1 
AsiaE      Hong Kong     1     1             
AsiaE cn   China         1                   
AsiaE      Singapore     1                   
AsiaE kr   Korea         1                 1 
Amer  br   Brazil        6     6     5     1 
Amer  ar   Argentina     3     3     2       
Amer  mx   Mexico        2     3     2     1 
Amer  cl   Chile         2     2     1     1 
Amer  pe   Peru          1     1     2       
Amer  cr   Costa Rica    1                   
Amer  co   Colombia                          
Comm  au   Australia    29    28    16     6 
Comm  ca   Canada       28    27    21     8 
Comm  nz   New Zealand   7     3     3     1 
Comm  za   South Africa  2     1     1     1 
US AMERICA             253   221   205   112 
--------------------------  ---------------- 
      edu              187   168   168   105 
      com *             41    33    24     6 
      net *             19    16     5       
      org *              4     2     2       
      gov                1     1     3       
      us                 1     1     2     1 
      mil                            1       
          * See Technical Note. 
"Institution" is generally indicated by one or two components of an email 
address preceding the last component or "country". 
Some real institutions with several subscribers may be overlooked here 
because of their addressing conventions or because some affiliated persons 
subscribe from an outside address.  Others without several subscribers may 
be included because former students or workers retain their email 
HES has four or more subscribers with email service at these institutions: 
    8   Duke U                  USAmerica       <duke.edu> 
    6   U Amsterdam             Netherlands     <uva.nl> 
    6   Massey U                New Zealand     <massey.ac.nz> 
    6   Columbia U              USAmerica       <columbia.edu> 
    5   G"oteborg U             Sweden          <gu.se> 
    5   U Paris 1               France          <univ-paris1.fr> 
    5   Erasmus U Rotterdam     Netherlands     <eur.nl> 
    4   U Quebec a Montreal     Canada          <uqam.ca> 
    4   U Complutense Madrid    Spain           <ucm.es> 
    4   U Illinois Chicago      USAmerica       <uic.edu> 
    4   George Mason U          USAmerica       <gmu.edu> 
    4   U California Berkeley   USAmerica       <berkeley.edu> 
 -  Each person is counted once, at current residence (or so I guess) for 
    those with subscriptions from two different countries.  
 -  "US America" counts all persons with addresses ending {.org .com .net 
    .edu .us .gov .mil} EXCEPT where I know that person resides elsewhere 
    --which depends on my memory, efforts, and good fortune. 
    Since I have now asked everyone, it depends mainly on their replies. 
 -  "English" counts persons residing in "US America" as defined here, or 
    in "Commonwealth" as defined above, or in UKBritain and Ireland.  Eg, 
    French Canada is "English"; Hong Kong and Singapore are "not English". 
Paul Wendt, Watertown MA  
Subscriptions Manager 
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