================= HES POSTING ================= 
The inside back cover of the second Canadian edition of Economics, by 
Samuelson and Scott has a "family tree" of economists. The earliest  
ancestors of economics are indicated as Aristotle, the Bible and  
businessmen and pamphleteers. The classical school runs from Smith to  
Ricardo, J.S. Mill and then Marshall with a branch off to the left of  
Ricardo for Marx, Lenin, the U.S.S.R. and China. A branch to the right  
from just below Smith connects up with Malthus. Keynes is depicted as a  
confluence of lineages from Marshall and Malthus (kissing cousins?) with  
the neo-classical synthesis being a remixture of Keynes and Marshall. 
Particularly interesting to me is that there is no Jevons, Walras, Pareto 
von Mises on the tree. I'm sure there are heaps of missing links on this 
chart. But I would be curious to hear about other instances of genealogical 
mapping people have come across. 
Tom Walker 
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