Networking Opportunity

During the week of May 31 - June 5, 1999 the Archives Association of
Ontario and the Canadian Archivist Association are holding their annual
conference in London, Ontario. On the last day of the conference - June
5, 1999 they are inviting various, libraries, archives, genealogical and
historical societies, (i.e. anyone doing anything with regard to
history) to set up a table display at the conference. (Times 10 a.m.-
app. 3 p.m, Number or archivists at conference 250-300) As long as you
are not planning to sell anything the table is free. Everyone is
welcome, for more information please contact Mary Charles 519-485-5933.
Here is your chance to network with archivists in the entire country.

The conference is taking place at the London Convention Centre. Please
feel free to repost this notice on listserves.

Hope to see you there.