================= HES POSTING ================= 
Due to the generous support of the Earhart Foundation, the Society for the 
Development of Austrian Economics is again sponsoring a Graduate Student 
Paper Competition.  The 3 selected entrants will receive a fellowship of 
$1000 each to attend the SDAE/SEA meetings in November 1999 (New Orleans) 
and present their paper on a panel.  This is an international competition 
and students pursuing their PhDs with an interest in Austrian or market 
process economics, or the history of economic thought and methodology 
related to concerns traditionally associated with the Austrian school are 
particularly encouraged to submit their work.  Previous winners are 
from consideration. 
Deadline for submission of paper is September 1, 1999.  Decisions will be 
made by September 15, 1999.  Entrants should submit their work for 
consideration to: 
Professor Peter J. Boettke 
SDAE Graduate Student Paper Competition 
Department of Economics, MSN 3G4 
George Mason University 
4400 University Drive 
Fairfax, VA 22030-4444 
email: [log in to unmask] 
web site: http://www.gmu.edu/departments/economics/pboettke 
Please pass this information on to interested colleagues and their 
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