----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
Avi J. Cohen asked for the source of the following: 
>During the Cambridge capital controversies, I recall seeing a statement 
>something like "when economists agree about capital theory they will have 
>agreed on everything else."  
The quotation comes from Bliss, C.J. (1975) "Capital Theory and the 
Distribution of Income"  Oxford: North-Holland Publishing. 
The (partial) quote is: "When economists reach agreement on the theory of 
capital they will shortly reach agreement on everything.  Happily for those 
who enjoy a diversity of views and beliefs, there is little danger of this 
To demonstrate the validity of the quote, the terms "theory of capital" 
(used by Bliss) and "capital theory" (used in your quote) were also subject 
to much debate and these terms must also be used carefully! 
Ian Runge 
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