Cinzia, Why don't you try a comparison between the Mississippi for Huck Finn and the Piave river for Nick Adams ? In relation to both the characters, the river is a symbolic frontier between adolescence and maturity and, if you consider the historical periods in wich the two have been created, also a frontier of the american experience (the american dream loosing its innocence before on the western frontier, then in Europe). You can find informations about it in: Philip Young "Ernest Hemingway" Ed. Mursia, Milano, 1962. A copy of this book is at the Braidense National Library in Milan. Starting from this point, you can also try a comparison between Huck and Nick (the river, a geographic frontier for America) and Holden Caufield (the 50's, a cultural frontier and a new loss of innocence with Korean war, Maccarthism and, ten years later, the Vietnam). Hoping that this can give you some idea, Best Regards: Luca Gandolfi