----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
                CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS 
            The annual meeting of AFIT will be held 
                    April 26 to 29, 2000 
        Town and Country Resort and Convention Center 
                San Diego, California 
            in Conjunction with the 42nd annual conference 
        of the Western Social Science Association (WSSA) 
The year 2000 marks an importing milestone in the history of  
economics (and the human race), the commencement of the second  
century of Institutional Economics.  AFIT, a national organization  
dedicated to advancing the discipline of economics from an  
Institutional Economics perspective, thus will have as its primary theme  
for this years conference: 1) accessing the first hundred years of  
Institutional Economics (successes and failures); and 2) directions for  
the future.  Moreover, as Institutionalists are, by and large, a practical  
lot (except when it comes to arranging dinner reservations at  
conferences) interested in policy questions, particular emphasis will be  
placed on the policy aspects of the past and future of institutional  
economics.  There will be a particular emphasis on poverty issues, but  
of course other topics are welcome.   
Another aspect of the practicality of Institutional Economics relates to  
the question of how best to present Institutional Economics to our  
students, and once again we would like to organize some sessions on  
Pedagogical issues.  We also encourage AFIT members to send  
examples of their course syllabus that reflect the use of Institutional  
Economics in their classes (these will be collected for wide distribution  
among members).   
As always, other topics in Institutional Economics are welcome. 
The DEADLINE for submitting proposals is November 12, 1999 (Neil  
Young's Birthday).   
Instructions of how to submit a paper proposal: 
Proposals must include 
    1.  Name(s) of author(s) 
    2.  Address(es) and phone and fax numbers, including email addresses, 
    3.  Affiliations 
    4.  Title of paper 
    5.  Abstract of no more than 150 words (WSSA will not publish abstracts 
longer than 150 words). 
COMPLETE PANEL PROPOSALS (including 3-4 papers, 1-2  
discussants and a moderator) Submit a letter detailing the composition  
of the panel (including paper titles, names, affiliations, mailing  
addresses, phone and fax numbers and email addresses.  Each author  
should submit an abstract (150 words) along with paper titles, names,  
affiliations, mailing addresses, phone and fax numbers and email  
Individual paper and/or complete panel proposals should also include  
any requests for audio/visual equipment.   
Proposals for complete panels or individual papers should be sent  
(preferably by email) to:   
Charles M. A. Clark 
Department of Economics 
St. John's University 
Jamaica, New York 11439 
Phone: 718 990 7343 
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