----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
I thank Aiko Ikea for filling in some details from Streissler's  
paper/presentation that I left out.   
One mystery to me that was not explained was why Schumpeter was  
so against these early German economists, a claim that Streissler made  
rather forcefully.  He seems to blame Schumpeter's negative attitude,  
along with post-World War I anti-German prejudice and linguistic  
ignorance among English speakers for the forgetting of these people  
and their role.  Given reports of Schumpeter's crypto-pro-Nazi position  
in World War II, I am surprised to hear of this alleged anti-German  
prejudice on his part.  I presume that this is explained in some of  
Streissler's other papers.   
Barkley Rosser 
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