----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
[Posted on behalf of the organizing committee. -- RBE] 
Joan Robinson International Symposium 
March 2000 - Dunkerque (Dunkirk) 
>From Joan Robinson's death to the end of the 1990s, economics has  
experienced notable evolutions - often in opposition with what the  
economist of Cambridge fought all her life for.   
Times are no longer favourable to "Economic Heresies"; but do such  
heresies not form the sign of the vitality of theoretical debate?   
A critical approach of the different trends in the economic thought  
seems to be, more than ever, topical.   
Therefore, it is interesting nowadays to come back on the current place  
of Joan Robinson in the economic reflection and understand what has  
been and what will be her influence on theoretical progress and the  
comprehension of contemporary issues. This symposium searches to  
analyse Joan Robinson's place in the current economic thought and on  
the usefulness of her writings in order to understand the evolutions of  
capitalism-especially in focusing on her central fields of research:  
growth, capital accumulation, imperfect competition, repartition,  
development, economic philosophy, etc.   
In order to organise fruitful debates, six themes are proposed :   
- Actuality and influence of Joan Robinson's writings;   
- Joan Robinson and Keynes;   
- Influence and place of Marx in Joan Robinson's thought;   
- Joan Robinson and the economic action of State;   
- Industrial restructuring, training, and worker qualification;   
- Economic stalemates and perspectives of growth.   
This list is not closed and the organisation committee welcomes any  
other proposition.   
The Joan Robinson International Symposium is scheduled in March  
2000, at Dunkerque (Dunkirk) - France.   
Propositions of communication must be sent at the following address  
before December 31, 1999.   
The organisation committee will inform contributors of the selected  
papers by the middle of February 2000.   
For further information, please contact : 
Joan Robinson International Symposium 
Laboratoire Redeploiement Industriel et Innovation 
21, quai de la Citadelle 
F-59140 Dunkerque (France) 
E-Mail : [log in to unmask] 
Telephone : +33 ou 34 - Fax : +33 
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