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Scott Cullen wrote: 
> Was Boulding setting forth the concept of internal rate of return (IRR)  
F.A.Hayek, in his 1942 article "The Ricardo Effect", credited Boulding with 
the authorship of the term: 
"The term 'internal rate of return' is borrowed from K. E. Boulding,  
"The Theory of a Single Investment", _Quarterly Journal of  
Economics_, XLIX (May, 1935), 478ff. Its German equivalent (more  
precisely the term "innerer Zinssatz") has been used earlier, I believe in  
discussions of the effects of credit rationing, but I cannot now recollect  
when or by whom." (Reprinted in Hayek's _Individualism and  
Economic Order_, U of Chicago Press, 1948, Midway Reprint 1980,  
p. 227f.)   
Yuri Tulupenko 
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