I am appealing to colleagues on this network for any assistance to identify
literature or people that can shed light on the following request.  Both
Theresa and myself work in the Health and Wellbeing Outcomes Unit.  Theresa

The Department of Health and Human Services in Tasmania conducted a health
and wellbeing survey in 1998. The scope of the survey was wider than usual,
including sections on social capital, community involvement and quality of
life as well as morbidity, health care service use and general demographic
information. The survey also included the questions contained in the MOS

I am presently involved in constructing a health related quality of life
model using the survey data and am interested in hearing from anyone
developing similar. I have found numerous references on the constituents of
HRQOL, that is, physical, emotional, psychological, functional and social
components but only a limited number of detailed models that postulate the
relationships between these elements and the statistical methodology
underpinning the QOL models. At the moment we are exploring structural
equation modeling but have some issues with missing data and skewed
distribution in a number of key variables. We have undertaken preliminary
bivariate and multivariate analysis so have a relatively good idea of the
elements we would like to include in our explanatory model.

The objective in modeling HRQOL is to identify potential public (health)
policy intervention points. To use the current jargon, the research must be
"policy friendly"

If anyone can direct me to recent QOL or HRQOL literature which explores any
of these issues I would be very grateful.

Many thanks

Theresa Doherty
Senior Research Officer
Health and Wellbeing Outcomes Unit
Department of Health and Human Services
5/99 Bathurst St
Hobart TAS 7000
03 62 33 3207
03 62 33 2899 (fax)

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Alan Sutherland
Health Promotion Policy Officer
Health and Wellbeing Outcomes Unit
Department of Health and Human Services
PO Box 125B, Hobart
AUSTRALIA       7000

Phone: (03) 6233 3147
FAX:     (03) 6233 2899
E-mail:  [log in to unmask]

Australian International Dialling:
011 + 61 + 3 + (eight digit call number)