Hi -- I'm Errol Craig Sull, new to this list, and want to let all know about the 7th Annual Mark Twain Birthday Party & Symposium, Thursday, December 2nd, 11 am -- 2 pm, on the campus of Niagara University (near Buffalo, NY). What I began as an in-class event 7 years ago (I teach two classes each fall -- "Huck Finn Live!" -- that focus solely on H.F.) has now grown into the largest cultural event on campus each year and draws about 300, including several from the community. You are invited and it's free. What we have this year: -- MARK TWAIN: Mike Randall, often equated with or better than Hal Holbrook in "doing Twain," will offer an approximate 45-minute program of Mark Twain. He is quite amazing. -- PROFESSOR VIC DOYNO: Many of you know or know of Vic, not only for his reputation as an H.F. scholar but for his Writing Huck Finn, as well. He will be doing a theatrical reading of either "The Cadaver Scene" or "The Campire Meeting" from the 1st half of the manuscript, found in 1991. -- BILL LOOS: Bill is Curator of Rare Books for the Buffalo and Erie County Public Library. He was the person primarily responsible for bringing the manuscript back to Buffalo and out of the hands of Sothebys. Bill will be doing a slide / lecture of what is a fantastic Sherlockian detective stiry. -- OTHERS: Prof. Joe Keogh, Niagara University, will be doing a presentation on how Tewain came to weear his white suit ... I will be doing my "world premier" "Huck Finn Rap Song" ... some of my students will be making other presentations as well. There will also be a huge birthday cake, as well as pizza and soft drinks. So: come! You are invited, and each year we've had it the folks attending have NOT been disappointed. Any questions or for directions e-mail me at twai [log in to unmask] or call me at 716-882-3456. Errol