----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
I am still try to reconstruct a scrambled file of Schumpeter notes.  I  
believe that this is my last question on the subject.  Does anyone  
know the source for this?   
165: "The main burden of Schumpeter's charge against Keyenes is  
... that he made it intellectually respectable for other non-socialists  
to go further in an anti-capitalist direction than he had any  
inclination to go himself."   
165: Keynes destroyed "the last pillar of the bourgeois argument,"  
private saving, and, during the thirties made it possible for his  
followers to justify almost any policy provided it increased the  
propensity to consume.   
Citing Schumpeter, J. A. 1949. "The Communist Manifesto in  
Sociology and Economics." Journal of Political Economy, 57: 3  
(June): pp. 199-212, p. 199.   
Michael Perelman 
California State University -- Chico 
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