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Fri Mar 31 17:18:35 2006
[log in to unmask] (Ross Emmett)
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Published by EH.NET (January 2002) 
Ted Wilson, _Battles for the Standard: Bimetallism and the Spread of the 
Gold Standard in the Nineteenth Century_. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, 2001. xi 
+ 200 pp. $69.95 (cloth), ISBN: 1-85928-436-1. 
Reviewed for EH.NET by Christopher M. Meissner, Faculty of Economics and 
Politics, University of Cambridge. <[log in to unmask]> 
In _Battles for the Standard_, Ted Wilson aims to explain why the gold 
standard moved from an exclusively British institution at the beginning of 
the nineteenth century to the most widely used monetary arrangement in the 
world by 1910. The author offers a number of case studies each of which 
emphasize that broad ranging explanations are inadequate to explain why the 
world went to gold. Wilson also examines bimetallism as a brake on the 
spread of the gold standard between 1870 and 1913. In his opinion, 
bimetallists failed because of the inability to formulate a coherent vision 
of what the candidate regime would look like and how the system would 
perform if implemented. Those interested in institutional change or the 
evolution of the international monetary system will feel the book presents 
some interesting research. 
Wilson opens with a general examination of monetary arrangements during the 
nineteenth century. A series of chapters then outlines nineteenth century 
monetary history in Great Britain, France, India, and the US. The 
penultimate chapter considers and challenges current explanations for the 
emergence of the gold standard making reference to particular country 
experiences and the final chapter is about bimetallism in England during 
the 1890s. 
The country coverage begins with Great Britain. The goal is to explain why 
it chose the gold standard in 1816 long before any other countryhad done 
so, and why it clung so steadfastly to the gold standard after 1870 in the 
face of considerable international maneuvering to establish bimetallism. 
British currency had been de facto gold through much of the 1700s and until 
1800 lacked small denomination coins. The remedy was to implement a de jure 
gold standard so as to free England from the effects of Gresham's law and 
to keep token silver coins in circulation. The fact that gold was the 
outcome in 1816 seems to have been pure historical coincidence. The author 
also gives air time to Angela Redish's explanation that technological 
advances in steam pressing in the late eighteenth century allowed a token 
silver coinage which people could not counterfeit and which circulated 
along with full-bodied gold coins. This was an answer to bimetallism. It 
provided coins of silver and gold in denominations and weights appropriate 
to the value of a particular transaction without being exposed to Gresham's 
Law. Wilson points out that few contemporary sources cite the steam 
technology as a reason for adopting the gold standard, and so he is 
skeptical that British obstinacy was based on these arguments. Furthermore 
European countries with access to the same technology did not adopt gold 
immediately. But arguments like Redish's also rely on the notion that a 
gold standard was suited for more-developed countries because their average 
transaction was of a high value and bulky silver was inconvenient. And 
Germany and France did not reach the levels of 1820 British per capita GDP 
until about the 1860s precisely when these countries began agitating for an 
international gold standard (Maddison, 2001). The author explains how, 
during the 1880s, an appreciating exchange rate vis-Ó-vis silver countries 
made necessary imports cheaper while politically impotent agricultural 
interests were thrashed about by import competition. Britain therefore 
clung to gold. 
Continuing his global overview, Wilson looks at France's deep romance with 
bimetallism -- a regime it finally relinquished in 1878 as the world silver 
market collapsed. It is suggested that the example of French bimetallism 
and its success between 1850 and 1870 provided a success story to which 
bimetallists in the 1890s could refer. In discussing France's strong 
support for bimetallism up to 1878, Wilson dismisses the notion that the 
Banque de France benefited from the arbitrage opportunities bimetallism 
presented. Instead, Wilson argues tradition and historical esteem for the 
status quo explain France's policies in the period. Although this 
explanation may be correct, the evidence presented is not convincing. For 
one, Wilson claims that since the gold price in terms of silver was stable 
from 1850 to 1870 there were no arbitrage opportunities. But Flandreau 
(1996) argues just the opposite. Arbitrage, perhaps by private agents, (who 
incidentally had some say on the board of directors at the Bank) actually 
worked to keep the price from straying too far from the mint ratio. And 
Einaudi (2000) presents an in-depth analysis of Bank of France archival 
records from the 1870s showing what the interests of the Bank were. 
Wilson's work could have benefited from such archival investigation if only 
to lay bare the economic motivations of relevant actors. 
Indian monetary history from the early 1800s up to 1900 is next on Wilson's 
list of case studies. The chapter opens with a lengthy narrative on early 
nineteenth century Indian monetary history, and a conventional view of 
Indian regime preference after 1870 is presented. After about 1873, 
colonial powers would have preferred a gold standard in order to stop the 
rise in the value of the home charges and to keep their silver denominated 
pensions from depreciating in gold terms. Local export-oriented 
industrialists supported silver largely because of the expansionary effect 
of a continuously depreciating currency. 
Americanists will find Chapter 5 on the United States to be somewhat sparse 
if not highly stylized. Wilson portrays the country as a relatively 
backward place where frontiersmen sought salvation in paper currencies. 
This line of argument neglects, or at least avoids, discussing the economic 
interests of the constituencies that shaped the debate and international 
differences in political procedure and decision making. Wilson pays little 
attention to the standard debtor-creditor debate or to the more 
contemporary open-economy politics view of Jeffrey Frieden (1997) where 
exporters and transport interests supported a depreciating standard. 
Nevertheless, the discussion of the conflict with Great Britain over 
Venezuela in the 1890s and how the gold-bug Cleveland administration used 
political uncertainty and hence money market uncertainty to discredit 
silver agitation is intriguing. (Many readers will be irked by seeing 
McKinley repeatedly referred to as "McKinlay" towards the end of the 
The following chapter ties up loose ends by confronting previous hypotheses 
about the emergence of the gold standard with historical experience. These 
focus not only on the countries already treated but also Germany and 
smaller peripheral countries. The seeds of what might have been an entire 
chapter on Germany appear here. Wilson asserts that Germany's adoption of 
the gold standard "helped secure her economic leadership of Europe after 
1870" (p.124). Even if we are to believe the notion, what was the 
transmission mechanism? Was it that gold provided "hegemony over France" 
(p. 124) and somehow defeated this commercial rival or was it through 
increased trade benefits by linking up to the gold network? On historical 
grounds, we also have to suspect the digging has not been deep enough here. 
Wilson clings to a notion that the French indemnity of the Franco-Prussian 
war was paid in gold. Flandreau (1996) and Einaudi (2000) document that 
only about 5 percent of the indemnity was paid in specie the rest being 
paidin commercial paper drawable in various financial centers. 
Even more confounding is the short follow up on the American adoption of 
the gold standard. The argument suggests that policy in the US was made 
without respect to the rest of the world. This is hardly the case. Much of 
the debate, which is documented in a lengthy set of congressional hearings 
held in the 1870s and published in 1879, was about ascertaining what 
exactly the rest of the world would be doing in the future. There is also a 
lengthy discussion on Bordo and Rockoff's "Good Housekeeping Seal of 
Approval" hypothesis. The book proposes that there is no evidence that 
nations consciously sought to lower their borrowing costs or receive 
special treatment on international capital markets by adopting the gold 
standard. But historical evidence again snags the author's momentum. It is 
widely argued that one of Russia's primary motivations for moving to gold 
convertibility in the 1880s and 1890s was to attract foreign capital, and 
American Congressional discussions in the first decade of the 1900s on why 
China should adopt the gold standard centered on the ability to attract 
more foreign capital. A number of other aspects of monetary regime 
transformation such as lock-in and strategic complementarities, 
imperialistic preference for a non-gold periphery and precious metals 
discoveries are touched on near the end of this chapter as explanations 
forgold's triumph. 
The book winds down with a novel discussion of the emergence of a 
bimetallist movement in Great Britain near the end of the nineteenth 
century. Wilson centers his discussion in Lancashire. Essentially textile 
producers and laborers aligned themselves with a hope that bimetallism 
would stave off increased imports of Eastern textiles. Indian cotton 
manufactures benefited from the continuous depreciation of silver against 
gold and hence eroded market share, jobs and profits in England. 
Lancashire's bimetallist agitators faced stiff esistance from City 
financiers and unsympathetic governments. But bimetallism appears to have 
been its own worst enemy. Its advocates failed because of the inability to 
present a coherent platform. What would the mint ratio be? Should it be the 
current market value of 35 to one or perhaps the older 15.5 to one? Should 
Britain insist on an international coalition to support such a move or 
would it go alone? Could Britain find a coalition in any case? No simple 
answers came from the movement, and gold took the day. The arguments here 
are interesting and suggestive, but the author could have spent more time 
on the little researched area of the viability of international bimetallism 
in the late nineteenth century. The author raises interesting questions, 
but there could be more discussion of the menu of alternatives and the 
benefits. Too little time is spent exploring the real benefits from the 
gold standard, and the author precipitously blames bimetallism's failure on 
the incompetence of the movement's leaders. 
Overall this work is a good narrative of institutional change in the 
international monetary system. It provides a one-stop-shop for most of the 
current thinking about the emergence of the classical gold standard and the 
disappearance of bimetallism and silver between 1870 and 1913 while also 
providing a nice range of salient case studies. The book will prove useful 
for initiates to the literature. However those wishing to formulate solid 
opinions about the formation of an international monetary system will not 
feel the book has provided enough archival, statistical or theoretical 
ammunition to take out the more entrenched explanations. Nevertheless the 
book does succeed in laying the foundation for a debate about why 
bimetallism failed in the late nineteenth century. This is a corner of the 
literature that has seen far too little attention but it is a prime example 
of institutional change and path dependence in an important sphere of the 
economy It certainly deserves more along these lines. 
Einaudi, Luca (2001). _Money and Politics: European Monetary Unification 
and the International Gold Standard (1865-1873)_. Oxford: Oxford University 
Flandreau, Marc (1996). "The French Crime of 1873: An Essay in the 
Emergence of the International Gold Standard, 1870-1880," _Journal of 
Economic History_, 56 (4), 862-897. 
Frieden, J.A. (1997) "Monetary Populism in Nineteenth Century America: An 
Open Economy Interpretation," _Journal of Economic History_, 57 (2), 
Maddison, Angus (2001). _The World Economy: A Millennial Perspective_. 
Paris: Development Centre of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and 
United States Monetary Commission (1879). _Report of the Silver 
Commission_. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 
Christopher M. Meissner is a lecturer in economics at the University of 
Cambridge and a fellow of King's College. He is currently working on 
questions related to international finance and international monetary 
arrangements in the late nineteenth century and on connected lending in 
early nineteenth century New England banking. 
Copyright (c) 2002 by EH.Net. All rights reserved. This work may be copied 
for non-profit educational uses if proper credit is given to the author and 
the list. For other permission, please contact the EH.Net Administrator 
([log in to unmask]; Telephone: 513-529-2850; Fax: 513-529-3308). 
Published by EH.Net (January 2002). All EH.Net reviews are archived at 
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