----------------- HES POSTING -----------------
Next to Nathan Rosenberg's work a fine book on the subject to
start with is:
Arnold Heertje, 1979, "Economics and Technical Progress",
London (Weidenfeld and Nicolson)
The structure of the book is very similar to that of our modern
history of thought books (Blaug, Ekelund & Hébert and indeed
many others). The book starts with Steuart and Smith. It reviews
almost everyone who had something economically to say in the
following 200 years on technical change. Even Enrico Barone is
treated; an author you would not expect in a history of economic
thought on technical progress
Many references to the secondary litature up to 1973 (when the
Dutch edition of this book was published) can be found in the list
(40 pages in my Dutch copy) at the end of the book.
Henk Plasmeijer
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