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Fri Mar 31 17:18:19 2006
[log in to unmask] (Ross B. Emmett)
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================= HES POSTING ================= 
[NOTE: Posted on behalf of Bruce Caldwell, President-Elect, History of  
Economics Society. -- RBE] 
 History of Economics Society 
26th Annual Meetings, June 25-28, 1999 
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro 
Greensboro, North Carolina 
Preliminary Program 
Friday, June 25th 
Registration,2 - 6:00 p.m., Tower Villages 
Distinguished Guest Lecture 6:00 p.m -- Bryan Lecture Hall Room 
Vernon Smith, Professor of Economics, Arizona 
"The Development of Experimental Economics" 
Welcoming Reception and Buffet  7-8:30 p.m. 
Saturday, June 26th    
SESSION NUMBER ONE    8:15-10:00 a.m. 
1 - A. Hobbes, Petty, Hume 
Chair: Tony Aspromourgos, University of Sydney 
Papers: Tony Aspromourgos, University of Sydney  "The Petty 
Papers Archive: An Overview" 
Thomas Ross, Indiana University - South Bend "Thomas Hobbes and 
Classical Political Economy"   
Carl Wennerlind, University of Texas - Austin "The Humean 
Paternity to Adam Smith's Theory of Money" 
Discussants: Jose-Luis Cardoso, Technical University of Lisbon 
(Aspromourgos); Karen Vaughn, George Mason University (Ross); 
Jeffrey Young, St. Lawrence University (Wennerlind) 
1 - B. Classicals I 
Chair: John Bethune, University of Tennessee - Martin 
Papers: Ludovic Frobert, Centre Walras  "Jean-Baptiste Say and 
the Critique of the Division of Labor" 
Yasunori Fukagai, Tokyo Metropolitan University "Jeremy Bentham 
on Wealth and Population" 
Hans Jensen, University of Tennessee "T.R. Malthus' 
Institutionalist Prescriptions for the Cure of Poverty: From 
Punishment of the Poor to Investment in Their Human Capital" 
Discussants: Harro Maas, University of Amsterdam (Frobert); 
William Kern, Western Michigan University  (Fukagai); John 
Berdell, Depaul University (Jensen) 
1 - C. From Wicksell to Keynes 
Chair: Robert Dimand, Brock University 
Papers: Mauro Boianovsky, University of Brasilia, and 
Hans-Michael Trautwein, University of Hohenheim "The Rate of 
Interest as the Regulator of Prices: An Unpublished Manuscript by 
Knut Wicksell" 
James Ahiakpor, California State University - Hayward "Hawtrey on 
the Keynesian Multiplier: A Question of Cognitive Dissonance?" 
Dr. Ezra Davar, "The Real Meaning of the Keynesian Multiplier" 
Discussants: Robert Dimand, Brock University (Boianovsky); Warren 
Young, Bar Ilan University (Ahiakpor); Juan-Manuel Renero, CIDE 
1 - D. Connecting Hayek's Theories of Money, Cycles and Capital 
Chair: Avi Cohen, York University 
Papers:  Harald Hagemann, University of Hohenheim "From Monetary 
Theory and the Trade Cycle to Prices and Production: Hayek's 
Early Business Cycle Theory Reconsidered" 
Avi Cohen, York University "The Hayek/Knight Controversy: The 
Irrelevance of Roundaboutness, or Purging Processes in Time?" 
Christian Gehrke, University of Graz "Monetary Analysis in F.A. 
Hayek's Pure Theory of Capital"  
Discussants: Richard Arena, University of Nice (Hagemann); Ross 
Emmett, Augustana University College (Cohen); Mie Augier, 
Stanford University (Gehrke)  
1 - E.  Methodology I 
Chair: Maurice Lagueux, University of Montreal 
Papers: Maurice Lagueux, University of Montreal "Why Don't 
Economists Like Sheer Changing Tastes?"  
Ralf Eriksson, Abo Akademi University "The Proper Place of Homo 
Stanley Bober, Duquesne University "A Revision of Orthodox 
Consumer Demand Theory: Finally a Reality Check at the Close of 
the Millennium" 
Discussants: Ramon Fernandez, Federal University of Paran , 
Brazil (Lagueux); Drucilla Barker, Hollins College (Eriksson); 
J.A. Hynes, University of Toronto (Bober) 
1 - F. Twentieth Century Thought 
Chair: Albert Jolink, Erasmus University Rotterdam 
Papers: Steven Medema, University of Colorodo - Denver "Related 
Disciplines: The Professionalization of Public Choice Analysis"  
Niels Kaegard, Royal Danish Agricultural University "The Balance 
between Theory and Data in Applied Economic Models: A Historical 
Daniel Fusfeld, University of Michigan "The Social Context of 
Economic Thought: A Case Study of General Equilibrium Theory" 
Discussants: Ana Maria Bianchi, Universidade de Sao Paulo 
(Medema); Philippe Le Gall, University of Paris (Kaegard); Albert 
Jolink, Erasmus University Rotterdam (Fusfeld) 
SESSION NUMBER TWO -  10:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. 
2 - A. Interwar Vienna 
Chair: Wade Hands, University of Puget Sound  
Papers: Mie Augier, Stanford University "Memories of Vienna" 
Peter Boettke and Andrew Farrant, George Mason University "Otto 
Neurath and the Austrians: A Study in Intellectual Foils" 
Albert Jolink, Erasmus University Rotterdam "T.W. Hutchison's 
Role in the Dissemination of Otto Neurath's Physicalism to 
Discussants: Steven Horwitz, St. Lawrence University (Augier); 
Bruce Caldwell, UNC-Greensboro (Boettke-Farrant); Wade Hands, 
University of Puget Sound (Jolink) 
2 - B. The Canon 
Chair: David Levy, George Mason University 
Papers: Warren Samuels, Michigan State University "The Canon in 
Sandra Peart, Baldwin-Wallace College  "Theory, Application and 
the Canon: The Case of Mill and Jevons" 
David Levy, George Mason University "Classical Economics and the 
`Ur-Text' of Racial Politics: A Rational Choice Approach to 
Discussants: Mark Perlman, University of Pittsburgh (Samuels); 
Laura Vallad o de Mattos, Pontificia Universidade Catolica de S o 
Paulo  (Peart); Laurence Moss, Babson College (Levy) 
2 - C.  History of Transactions Cost Economics 
Chair: Uskali Maki, Erasmus University Rotterdam 
Papers: Matthias Klaes, Erasmus University Rotterdam "The Early 
History of the Concept of Transactions Costs" 
Uskali Maki, Erasmus University Rotterdam "Theoretical Isolation 
and Explanatory Progress: Transactions Cost Analysis and the 
Dynamics of Dispute" 
Yngve Ramstad, University of Rhode Island "(In What Sense) Is 
Commons a Predecessor of Williamson?" 
Discussants: Steve Medema, University of Colorado - Denver 
(Klaes); Kevin Hoover, University of California - Davis (Maki); 
Malcolm Rutherford, University of Victoria (Ramstad) 
2 - D. Essays in the British Tradition  
Chair: D.E. Moggridge, University of Toronto 
Papers: Flavio Comin, Cambridge University "Smith, Wicksteed, 
Marshall and Keynes: The Role of Common Sense in the History of 
Jerry Evensky, Syracuse University "On the Double-Edged Sword of 
Accumulation: Growth and the Rentier Class" 
David Andrews, Cazenovia College "The Social Roots of Keynes' 
Economic Policy" 
Discussants: Jeffrey Young, St. Lawrence University (Comin); 
Guido Erreygers, University of Antwerp (Evensky); Mauro 
Boianovsky, University of Brasilia (Andrews) 
2 - E. Economists and Social Ethics 
Chair: Brad Bateman, Grinnell College  
Papers: Rhead Bowman, Southern Utah University "Marshall: Just 
How Interested in Doing Good Was He?" 
Charles McCann, University of Pittsburgh "F.A. Hayek: The Liberal 
as Communitarian" 
Philippe Fontaine, Ecole Normale Superieure "Ethics and the 
Market: Mr. Titmuss and the Economists on The Gift Relationship" 
Discussants: Anne Mayhew, University of Tennessee - Knoxville 
(Bowman); Stephen Boehm, University of Graz (McCann); Antonio 
Callari, Franklin and Marshall College (Fontaine) 
2 - F. After Smith 
Chair: Ingrid Rima, Temple University 
Papers: Alistair Dow, Glasgow Caledonian University "Scottish 
Political Economy: 1850-1950" 
Patrick Raines, University of Richmond and Charles Leathers, 
University of Alabama "Adam Smith and Thorstein Veblen on 
Institutional Failures of Universities" 
John Berdell, De Paul University "Adam Smith and the Convergence 
of Nations" 
Discussants: Christian Gehrke, University of Graz (Dow); Ingrid 
Rima, Temple University (Raines-Leathers); Glenn Hueckel, Purdue 
University (Berdell) 
Lunch  12:15 - 2:30 p.m. 
Executive Committee Luncheon, 416 Bryan Building, 12:15 to 2:30 
SESSION NUMBER THREE    2:30 - 4:30 p.m. 
3 - A. Economics at the Turn of the Century 
Chair: Malcolm Rutherford, University of Victoria 
Papers: Larry Moss, Babson College "An Analysis of the 
Edgeworth-Seligman Debate about Formalism in Economics" 
Robert Prasch, Vassar College "John Bates Clark's Defense of 
Minimum Wage Legislation" 
Richard Gonce, Grand Valley State University "J.R. Commons's 
`Five Big Years,' 1899-1904" 
Brad Bateman, Grinnell College "Born Again in 1904: Reflections 
on J.R. Commons and the Social Gospel" 
Discussants: William Barber, Wesleyan University (Moss & Prasch); 
Yngve Ramstad , University of Rhode Island (Gonce & Bateman) 
3 - B. Models, Measurement and Metrics 
Chair: Peter Bearse, UNC - Greensboro 
Papers: Hsiang-Ke Chao, University of Amsterdam "The New 
Classical Model as a Measuring Device" 
Mary Morgan, LSE and University of Amsterdam, and Marcel Boumans, 
University of Amsterdam "The Secrets Hidden by Two- 
Dimensionality: Modeling the Economy as a Hydraulic System" 
George Davis, Texas A&M University "A Semantic Interpretation of 
Haavelmo's Structure of Econometrics" 
Discussants: Peter Bearse, UNC - Greensboro (Chao); Kevin Hoover, 
UC - Davis (Morgan - Boumans); Francesco Guala, LSE (Davis) 
3 - C. Twentieth Century Figures 
Chair: Dan Hammond, Wake Forest University  
Papers: Perry Mehrling, Barnard College "Fischer Black: 
Intellectual Formation" 
Dan Hammond, Wake Forest University "The Friedman-Stigler 
Correspondence: 1946-1958" 
Kyle Bruce, University of Queensland "The Making of a Heterodox 
Economist: The Intellectual Development of John Kenneth 
Discussants: David Colander, Middlebury College  (Mehrling); 
George Tavlas, IMF and Bank of Greece (Hammond); Daniel Fusfeld, 
University of Michigan  (Bruce) 
3 - D.  Essays in the French Tradition  
Chair: Francisco Louca, Technical University of Lisbon 
Papers: Franck Jovanovic and Philippe Le Gall, Universite de 
Paris "Does God Practice a Random Walk? A 19th Century Forerunner 
in Financial Theory and Econometrics, Jules Regnault" 
Guido Erreygers, University of Antwerp and John Cunliffe, 
University of Central England "Fourierist Legacies: From the 
`Right to the Minimum' to `Basic Income'" 
David Vallat, Centre Walras "The Confrontation of Two Conceptions 
of the Popular Credit: Walras and Proudhon" 
Annie Cot, Universite de Paris "Through the Looking Glass: French 
Readings of Early American Economics" 
Discussants: Francisco Louca, Technical University of Lisbon 
(Jovanovic - Le Gall & Erreygers); Luigino Bruni, University of 
Padova (Vallat & Cot) 
3 - E. Realism, Rhetoric and Beyond 
Chair: Drucilla Barker, Hollins University 
Papers: Vincent-Antonin Lepinay, CSI/ENSMP "Fact, Formalism, and 
Drucilla Barker, Hollins University "Rhetoric and Realism: Toward 
a Coherentist Account of Methodology" 
Ramon Fernandez, Federal University of Paran , Brazil "McCloskey 
and Maki on Truth" 
Fabienne Peter, Harvard University "Whose Epistemology? The 
Contribution of Social Epistemology to Economic Methodology" 
Discussants: John Davis, Marquette University  (Lepinay, Barker); 
Thomas Leonard, Princeton University (Fernandez, Peter) 
3 - F. Macroeconomics I 
Chair: Warren Young, Bar Ilan University 
Papers: Warren Young and Eli Goldstein, Bar Ilan University "The 
Development of Open Economy Macromodels and Economic 
Oliver Bruno, LATAPSES - C.N.R.S., and Muriel Dal-Pont, 
University of Hohenheim "A Reflection on Harrod's Influence on 
the Dichotomy between Cycles and Growth" 
Rene Hernandez and Juan-Manuel Renero, CIDE "Resistance to the 
Gold Standard under the Porfirian Regime: Why Was the Worst 
Standard Preferred?" 
Discussants: Michel De Vroey, Universit, Catholique de Louvain  
(Young- Goldstein); Flavio Comin, Cambridge University (Bruno - 
Dal-Pont); Elisabeth Allgoewer, University of St. Gallen 
(Hernandez - Renero) 
Business Meeting, 5:00 - 6:00 p.m.        Weatherspoon Auditorium 
Wine Reception, 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.            Weatherspoon Atrium  
(Reception Sponsored by Duke University Press) 
Sunday, June 27th 
SESSION NUMBER FOUR  8:15 - 10:00 a.m. 
4 - A. Classicals II 
Chair: Petur Jonsson, Fayetteville State University  
Papers: Alain Marciano and Maud Pelissier, GREQAM "Mr. Darwin and 
the Classics: From Classical Political Economy to Darwin's Theory 
of Cultural Evolution" 
Dean Peterson, Seattle University "The Evolution of the 
Malthusian Principle of Population: A New View Based on the 
Writings of Robert Wallace" 
Jeff Lipkes, "The Political Economy of Francis Newman" 
Discussants: Robert O'Hara, UNC - Greensboro (Marciano and 
Pelissier); Petur Jonsson, Fayetteville State University 
(Peterson); Christopher Jeffries, Jackson State University 
4 -  B. Jean-Baptiste Say 
Chair: Philippe Fontaine, Ecole Normale Superieure 
Papers: Gilles Jacoud, Universite de Saint-Etienne "Say as a 
Professor of Political Economy: The Evolution from 1816-1832" 
Andre Tiran, Centre Walras "The Treatise of Politique pratique of 
J.B. Say" 
Jean-Pierre Potier, Centre Walras "The Evolution of Say's Ideas 
about the Value Controversy" 
Discussants: Christian Gehrke, University of Graz (Jacoud); 
Evelyn Forget, University of Manitoba (Tiran, Potier) 
4 - C. From Medieval to Modern 
Chair: Jose-Luis Cardoso, Technical University of Lisbon 
Papers: Albino Barrera, Providence College "The Demise of Organic 
Hierarchy in Religious Economic Thought" 
Sasan Fayazmanesh, California State University-Fresno "Commercial 
Arithmetic and Monetary Theory" 
Jose-Luis Cardoso, Technical University of Lisbon "`Confusion de 
Confusiones': Ethics and Individual Behavior in 17th Century 
Stock Exchange Markets" 
Discussants: Edward Harpham, University of Texas at Dallas 
(Barrera); Judy Klein, Mary Baldwin College (Fayazmanesh); Thomas 
Ross, Indiana University - South Bend (Cardoso)  
4 - D. Socialist and Liberal Thought in the Early 20th Century 
Chair: Steven Horwitz, St. Lawrence University 
Papers: E. Koritsky, St. Petersburg State University, and W. 
Shetov, RAO "The Traditions of Russian Liberalism"  
M.V. Bilousenko, Donetsk State Technical University "The Division 
of Labor during the Transition in the Former Soviet Union: 
Institutional Aspects" 
Toshihiko Hozumi, Aichi University "Hilferding and Pollack on 
Discussants: Steven Horwitz, St. Lawrence University; Peter 
Boettke, George Mason University; Bruce Norton, University of 
Texas - San Antonio (Hozumi) 
 4 - E.  Methodology II 
Chair: Roger Backhouse, University of Birmingham 
Papers: Christopher Torr, University of South Africa "History of 
Economic Thought: History versus Progress?" 
William Kern, Western Michigan University "Classical Economic 
Man: Was He Interested in Keeping Up with the Joneses?" 
Eric Howard, Southern Oregon University "The Methodenstreit as 
Economic Epistemology" 
Discussants: Roger Backhouse, University of Birmingham (Torr); 
Maurice Lagueux, Universite du Quebec a Montreal (Kern); Roger 
Koppl, Fairleigh Dickinson University (Howard) 
4 - F.  Monetary Economics 
Chair: Elisabeth Allgoewer, University of St. Gallen 
Papers: George Tavlas, IMF and Bank of Greece "Who Murdered 
Alexander Del Mar?" 
Jerome Blanc, Centre Walras "A Monetary Utopia? Silvio Gesell's 
Theory and the Accelerated Money Experiments" 
Frank Steindl, Oklahoma State University "On the Inflation 
Bacillus and Economic Growth" 
Discussants: Mauro Boianovsky, University of Brasilia (Tavlas); 
Elisabeth Allgoewer, University of St. Gallen (Blanc); Hamid 
Hosseini, Kings College, PA (Steindl) 
SESSION NUMBER FIVE 10:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. 
5 - A. Roundtable - The Progress of Heterodox Economics 
Chair: A.W. Coats, University of Nottingham  
Participants: Roger Backhouse, University of Birmingham  
Sheila Dow, University of Stirling  
Daniel Fusfeld, University of Michigan 
Craufurd Goodwin, Duke University 
Malcolm Rutherford, University of Victoria 
5 - B. Adam Smith I 
Chair: Jerry Evensky, Syracuse University  
Papers: Glenn Hueckel, Purdue University "Smith's 'Labor Theory 
of Value': A Recurring Myth" 
Jeffrey Young, St. Lawrence University "Justice and Utility in 
The Wealth of Nations" 
Anthony Brewer, University of Bristol "Adam Smith on Classes and 
Discussants: John Bethune, University of Tennessee - Martin 
(Hueckel); Jerry Evensky, Syracuse University (Young); Yasunori 
Fukagai, Tokyo Metropolitan University (Brewer) 
5 - C. Economics and the Cold War  
Chair: Phillip Mirowski, University of Notre Dame 
Papers: Phillip Mirowski, "RAND/OR: How Operations Research Put 
the Rigor in the Mortis" 
Francisco Louca, Technical University of Lisbon "Prometheus Tired 
of War: Econometrics in Quest for Alternatives" 
Judy Klein, Mary Baldwin College "Economic Stabilization Policies 
and the Military Art  of Control Engineering" 
Discussants: Roy Weintraub, Duke University (Mirowski); George 
Davis, Texas A&M University (Louca); Matthias Klaes, Erasmus 
University Rotterdam (Klein) 
5 - D. Austrian Economics 
Chair: Peter Boettke, George Mason University 
Papers: Karen Vaughn, George Mason University "Frank Knight and 
F.A. Hayek on Capital and Socialist Calculation" 
Steven Horwitz, St. Lawrence University "From Smith to Menger to 
Hayek: Liberalism in the Tradition of the Scottish Enlightenment" 
Greg Young, North Carolina State University "Hayek and 
E-Commerce: Knowledge and Complexity in the 21st Century" 
Discussants: Avi Cohen, York University (Vaughn); Alistair Dow, 
Glasgow Caledonian University (Horwitz); Roger Koppl, Fairleigh 
Dickinson University (Young) 
5 - E. Some Methodological Appraisals of Alternative Approaches 
Proposed by Italian Economists 
Chair: Steven Medema, University of Colorado - Denver 
Papers: Luigino Bruni, University of Padova and Francesco Guala, 
LSE "Vilfredo Pareto and the Epistemological Foundations of 
Choice Theory" 
Roldolfo Signorino, University of Pisa "Methodological and 
Analytical Aspects of Piero Sraffa's Critique of Marshall's 
Economics: the Articles of 1925 and 1926" 
Andrea Salanti, University of Bergamo "Luigi Pasinetti's Notion 
of 'Pure Economics' as Institution-Free Theoretical Foundations 
of Economics" 
Discussants: Wade Hands, University of Puget Sound (Bruni-Guala); 
David Andrews, Cazenovia College (Signorino) Michel De Vroey, 
Universite Catholique de Louvain (Salanti) 
5 - F. Macroeconomics II 
Chair: Robert Clower, University of South Carolina 
Papers: Petur Jonsson, Fayetteville State University "On the 
Origins and the Legacy of Say's Law" 
David Glasner, Federal Trade Commission "Say's Law and the 
Classical Theory of Depressions" 
Mauro Boianovsky, University of Brasilia "The Cohen Council Forty 
Years On: A Missed Policy Opportunity?" 
Discussants: Robert Clower, University of South Carolina 
(Jonsson); Frank Steindl, Oklahoma State University (Glasner); 
Dan Hammond, Wake Forest University  (Boianovsky) 
Lunch  12:15 - 2:30 p.m. 
SESSION NUMBER SIX  2:30 - 4:30 p.m. 
6 - A. American Economics in the Interwar Period 
Chair: Warren Samuels, Michigan State University 
Papers: Malcolm Rutherford, University of Victoria "The Nature of 
Interwar Institutionalist Economics" 
Anne Mayhew, University of Tennessee and Janet Knoedler, Bucknell 
University "The Firm in Interwar Institutionalist Thought: From 
Veblen through J.M. Clark" 
Ross Emmett, Augustana University College "Knight, Weber, Chicago 
and Institutionalism" 
William Barber, Wesleyan University "Categories vs. Loners: How 
Should Irving Fisher be Positioned in the Interwar Intellectual 
Discussant: Mary Morgan, LSE and University of Amsterdam 
6 - B. Classicals III 
Chair: Anthony Brewer, University of Bristol 
Papers: Riccardo Faucci, University of Pisa "The Rise and Decline 
of Italian Economics, 1750-1830: A Suggested Interpretation" 
Timothy Davis, University College Oxford ""David Ricardo, 
Financier & Empirical  Economist" 
Laura Vallad o de Mattos, Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Sao 
Paulo "John Stuart Mill, Socialism and his Liberal Utopia: An 
Application of his Philosophy of Institutions" 
Discussants: Roldolfo Signorino, University of Pisa (Faucci); 
Anthony Brewer, University of Bristol (Davis); Flavio Comin, 
Cambridge University (Vallad o de Mattos) 
6 - C.  Recent Economic Theory  
Chair: Roy Weintraub, Duke University 
Papers: Robert Dimand, Brock University "Game Theory: An 
Alternative Approach to Economics or Just Another Tool?" 
Vivian Walsh, Muhlenberg College "Smith After Sen" 
Joerg Jasper and Yucel Calbay, Universitat Hannover "Economics of 
Networks in the History of Economic Thought" 
Discussants: Roy Weintraub, Duke University (Dimand); Spencer 
Banzhaf, Duke University (Walsh); Stephen Meardon, Williams 
College & Duke University  (Jasper - Calbay) 
6 -  D.  Psychology, Telepathy and Myth 
Chair: Craufurd Goodwin, Duke University 
Papers: Gilles Dostaler, Universite du Quebec a Montreal and 
Bernard Maris, Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Toulouse "Keynes 
and Mob Psychology" 
Philippe Bazard, Centre d'Histoire de la Pensee Economique "'The 
Power of Reading the Inscrutable Mind' or the Role of Telepathy 
in Jevon's Psychological Assumptions" 
Craufurd Goodwin, Duke University "Economic Man in the Garden of 
Discussants:  Brad Bateman, Grinnell College (Dostaler-Maris); 
Rhead Bowman, Southern Utah University (Bazard); James Wible, 
University of New Hampshire (Goodwin) 
6 - E. History of Economic Thought and Methodology after 1890 
Chair: Vincent Tarascio, University of North Carolina - Chapel 
Papers: Benjamin Balak, UNC - Chapel Hill "The (lower case) Truth 
about McCloskey" 
Kirsten Madden, Millersville University "Quantitative Analysis in 
Female Economists' Thought, 1900-1940" 
Vincent Tarascio, UNC - Chapel Hill, "The Problem of Scope: 
Walras and Pareto" 
Discussants: Kirsten Madden, Millersville University; Benjamin 
Balak, UNC - Chapel Hill  
6 - F.  Economic Policy and Economic Growth  
Chair: Perry Mehrling, Barnard College  
Papers: Elisabeth Allgoewer, University of St. Gallen "A Long 
Struggle to Escape: The Gold Standard in Switzerland during the 
Great Depression" 
Ana Maria Bianchi, Universidade de Sao Paulo "Different 
Audiences, Different Arguments: Economic Discourse in the 
Beginnings of the Latin American School"  
Hamid Hosseini, Kings College, PA "Economic Development - Not 
Economic Growth: Confusions in the History of Economic Thought" 
Discussants: Perry Mehrling, Barnard College (Allgoewer); Daniel 
Hammond, Wake Forest University (Bianchi); Ingrid Rima, Temple 
University (Hosseini) 
Presidential Address, 6:00 p.m. -- Bryan Lecture Hall - Room 160 
David Colander, Middlebury College 
"The Death of Neoclassical Economics" 
Reception    6:45 - 7:30 p.m.   
Society Banquet  7:30  -  
Monday June 28th 
SESSION NUMBER SEVEN   8:15 - 10:00 a.m. 
7 - A. Remembrance and Appreciation Roundtable: Ludwig M. 
Chair: Laurence Moss, Babson College/The American Journal of 
Economics and Sociology 
Christopher Torr, University of South Africa "LML's Influence in 
South Africa" 
Roger Koppl, Fairleigh Dickinson University "LML's Influence in 
New York City" 
Donald Lavoie, George Mason University "LML as a Persuasive 
Stephen Boehm, University of Graz, "LML's Vision of Economics" 
Israel Kirzner, NYU "LML and our Seminar Collaboration" 
Peter Lewin, University of Dallas  "LML's Legacy Reconsidered" 
7 - B. Philosophical Themes 
Chair: John Davis, Marquette University 
Papers: Antonio Callari, Franklin and Marshall College ""The 
Ghost of the Gift: The Unlikelihood of Economics" 
Bruce Norton, University of Texas - San Antonio "Marxian Economic 
Traditions and the Occlusion of Class" 
John Davis, Marquette University "Gramsci, Sraffa, and 
Wittgenstein on the Concept of an Historical Period" 
Discussants: Philip Mirowski, University of Notre Dame (Callari); 
Warren Samuels, Michigan State University (Norton); David 
Andrews, Cazenovia College (Davis) 
7 - C. Adam Smith II 
Chair: Glenn Hueckel, Purdue University  
Papers: Edward Harpham, University of Texas at Dallas "Negative 
and Positive Liberty in the Thought of Adam Smith" 
Martin Harms, University of Copenhagen "Adam Smith's Moral 
Philosophy and his Economics: Is There a Solution to 'Das Adam 
Smith Problem'?" 
Marcia Allentuck, CUNY "Does the Classical Adam Smith Offer Any 
Alternative Approaches at Our Century's End? A New Reading of The 
Wealth of Nations" 
Discussants: Charles McCann, University of Pittsburgh (Harpham); 
Christopher Jeffries, Jackson State University (Harms); Jeff 
Lipkes (Allentuck) 
7 - D. Methodology III 
Chair: James Wible, University of New Hampshire 
Papers: James Wible, University of New Hampshire "Peirce's 
Critique of Utilitarianism: Darwin, Dmesis, and De Gustibus Non 
Est Disputandum" 
David Glasner, Federal Trade Commission "Falsificationism in 
Economics, or Two Cheers for Popperian Methodology" 
J.A. Hynes, University of Toronto "Facts before Theory: A 
Comparison of the Emergence of Two Research Programs" 
Discussants: Fabienne Peter, Harvard University (Wible); Wade 
Hands, University of Puget Sound (Glasner); Robert Dimand, Brock 
University (Hynes) 
7 - E. The Age of Economic Measurement - A Preview of the HOPE 
Conference Organizers: Mary Morgan, LSE and University of 
Amsterdam, and Judy Klein, Mary Baldwin College 
7 - E.  Accounting 
Chair: Edward Arrington, UNC - Greensboro 
Papers: TBA 
Discussants:  TBA 
SESSION NUMBER EIGHT  10:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. 
8 - A. Distinguished Fellow Session: Samuel Hollander 
Chair: David Colander, Middlebury College  
Paper: Samuel Hollander, University of Toronto "Malthus and 
Classical Economics: Rescuing Malthus from Limbo" 
Discussants: Vivian Walsh, Muhlenberg College 
Laurence Moss, Babson College  
Anthony Waterman, St. John's College  
Sandy Peart, Baldwin-Wallace College 
8 - B.  Roundtable Discussion - Yuval Yonay's The Struggle Over 
the Soul of Economics 
Chair: Warren Samuels, University of Michigan 
Panel: William Barber, Wesleyan University  
Ross Emmett, Augustana University College 
Philip Mirowski, University of Notre Dame 
Mary Morgan, LSE and the University of Amsterdam 
Malcolm Rutherford, University of Victoria 
Response: Yuval Yonay, University of Haifa 
8 - C.  The 18th Century Mind 
Chair: Neil De Marchi, Duke University 
Papers: Neil De Marchi, Duke University "Smith and the Imitative 
Evelyn Forget,  "Say and the Ideologues on the Creation of the 
Impartial Spectator" 
Harro Maas, University of Amsterdam "The Vices of Levity: Two 
Different Schemes of Morality in The Wealth of Nations and the 
Priestly-Reid Controversy" 
Discussant: Margaret Schabas, York University 
8 - D.  Methodological Perspectives on Macroeconomics 
Chair: Robert Clower, University of South Carolina 
Michel De Vroey, Universite Catholique de Louvain  "'Friedman and 
Lucas on the Phillips Curve: From a Disequilibrium to an 
Equilibrium Model" 
Kevin Hoover, University of California - Davis "David Hume's 
Economic Analysis of Causality and Causal Analysis of Economics" 
Andres Rius, University of Notre Dame (Uruguay) "Elusive 
Symmetry: An Interpretation of the Rise of Positive Theories of 
Macroeconomic Policy" 
Discussants:  Robert Clower, University of South Carolina (De 
Vroey); Hsiang- Ke Chao, University of Amsterdam  (Hoover); 
Sheila Dow, University of Stirling  (Rius) 
8 - E. Perspectives in the History and Philosophy of Business 
Chair: Andrea Salanti, University of Bergamo 
Papers: Hans Siggaard Jensen, Copenhagen Business School "The 
Historical Foundation of Business Economics" 
Giulio Maggiore, University of Sannio "Strategic Management: 
Science or Practice? An Overview of an Academic Field Without 
Giovanni Battista Dagnino, London Business School and University 
of Catania, and Paolo Quattrone, Manchester School of Accounting 
and Finance "Management and Business Research Italian Style: The 
Methodological Contribution of Economia Aziendale to Economics" 
Discussants: John Neufeld, UNCG (Jensen); Greg Young, North 
Carolina State University (Maggiore); Andrea Salanti, University 
of Bergamo (Dagnino) 
Lunch  12:15 - 
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