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Fri Mar 31 17:18:22 2006
[log in to unmask] (Ross B. Emmett)
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----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
Published by EH.NET  (August 1999) 
Thomas Cate, Editor, G.C. Harcourt and David C. Colander, Associate 
Editors. _An Encyclopedia of Keynesian Economics_. Cheltenham,  
UK and Brookfield, MA: Edward Elgar, 1997.  xxiv + 638 pp.  $235,  
ISBN: 185898145X. 
Reviewed for EH.NET by Michael S. Lawlor, Department of  
Economics, Wake Forest University. <[log in to unmask]> 
Macroeconomics today is in a peculiar state. Internally, the profession  
seems to have lost interest. Macroeconomics is neglected as a research  
topic. Outside of handy data to which to apply the latest advances in  
time-series econometric technique, graduate students seem to frown  
upon it as a dissertation topic (judging from the informal sample of  
assistant professor candidates we have interviewed in the last ten  
years). No longer are the heady debates, claims and counter-claims of  
the theoretical battles of the 1970s and 1980s making headlines in the  
Yet simultaneously, externally, out in the real economy, something of a  
revolution (to use a phrase popular in macro-talk) does seems to be  
taking place in macroeconomic performance, and possibly also in  
policy. This is especially so in the case of the United States economy.  
U.S. real output growth has exceeded all consensus forecasts for the  
last 3 years (final figures for 1997 and 1998 came in at 3.8% and 4.2%).  
The duration of the expansion of the economy has now pushed into  
record territory. Unemployment has been falling for years and has now  
stood below 5% since 1996. And, most macroeconomically amazing of  
all, these good times have been accompanied by _falling_ rates of  
inflation (below 3% for all but two quarters since 1995, below 2% since  
1997:4). On the policy side, meanwhile, there is a degree of unreality.  
Fiscal policy, long ignored in the shadow of deficit politics, has  
seemingly dropped from the U.S. policy debate (although not so in  
Japan). Monetary policy in the era of Greenspan is widely given credit  
for engineering the U.S. miracle. But if you look a bit closer, both  
Greenspan and his cheering section seem a bit puzzled, even nervous  
about all the good fortune. M2 growth has fluctuated widely in the  
nineties, with little apparent correlation with inflation. Moreover, as  
inflation has declined, M2 growth has been consistently above the  
upper bound of its target range for most of the period since 1995.  
Consequently, both publicly and privately the Fed has abandoned  
money as an intermediate target, preferring to concentrate on the federal  
funds rate. Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) minutes reveal a  
confusing search for signs of inflation that "must be there," given the  
state of unemployment, along with much vague discussion of the  
financial press's view that we are now in a "New Economy." The  
essence of the novelty and the puzzlement seems to be a search for an  
unexplained and unmeasured productivity boost. Finally, there is the  
intriguing macroeconomic record of the rest of the world to add spice  
to this seemingly fertile ground for macro researchers. The largest  
experiment in one-shot monetary reform since Bretton Woods is taking  
place in Europe, while all of its major member states, except the  
dissenting U.K. (see IMF, 1999 for complete details), are still suffering  
from years of persistently high unemployment. The Asian Tigers have  
come down with a case of financial flu-if not pneumonia. Japan, the  
shining light of the 80s, has been limping through a very depressed  
decade, with disastrous GDP growth, and an interminable financial  
mess. As Japanese short-term interest rates have hovered below 1% for  
over four years now, we are perhaps catching the first real glimpse of a  
that old Keynesian curiosa, the liquidity trap. These are interesting times 
What does modern macroeconomics have to tell us about all this? Has  
the profession's enlightenment by the New Classical school helped us  
in understanding this state of affairs? More to the point of the book  
here under review, can we now profitably reassess the recent decades  
of macroecomic debate and experience with a less ideologically heated,  
more balanced and sober historical view? These are the issues that  
reading the current volume bring to mind, especially when considering a  
review for a list that has recently staged a fascinating forum calling for  
research on "economic history since 1950."   
Let me postpone some short remarks on these questions, though, to  
turn to the volume I was given to read. _An Encyclopedia of Keynesian  
Economics_ contains 169 entries by 144 contributors and runs to 638  
pages, with no index. The entries are of three varieties: brief  
biographies of various economists associated with "Keynesianism,"  
very broadly conceived (Silvio Gessel, Arthur Okun and Robert Lucas  
are profiled, for example); brief sketches of theoretical issues, models  
and tools arising in macroeconomic debates (e.g., "Okun's Law" and  
"The Lucas Critique"); and longer pieces which typically deal much  
more closely with issues in Keynes scholarship (e.g., "The Influence of  
Burke and More on Keynes").   
The quality of the entries is varied. Some of the entries are entirely  
pedestrian, perhaps intentionally so to fit the evidently strictly imposed  
space requirements for the shorter biographies and theoretical topics.  
Theoretical topics suffer the most from this enforced brevity. Overall, I  
find the average level of the discussion in this volume inferior to some  
other recent reference works of its kind. _The New Palgrave: A  
Dictionary of Economics_ (Eatwell, Milgate and Newman,1987), more  
deeply covers many of the same topics, albeit mixed in with much else.  
On the general topic of macroeconomics, the recent _Business Cycles  
and Depressions: An Encyclopedia_ (Glasner, 1997) provides more  
complete coverage, especially of empirical issues in macroeconomics.  
Closer still to Keynesian concerns, but a beast of a different kind, is  
_"A Second Edition" of the General Theory_ (Harcourt and Riach,  
1997), which includes much more extensive treatments of issues arising  
within and from Keynes's landmark book. At a minimum I would  
recommend cross-references to these sources be consulted along with  
the entries in the present volume. In any case such short entries as are  
here provided for theoretical issues can only serve as a mere starting  
point for further reading, and in this volume the excellent bibliographies  
attached to many entries will be as valuable a tool in that search as the  
articles themselves.   
Some entries are not well done-"The Monetarist School of Economics"  
is bizarrely written, for example. It appears to have been inelegantly  
ripped from the preface of the author's book on the subject, making  
references to that text that are unintelligible to the readers of the  
encyclopedia. But others are remarkable, mostly in those instances  
where more freedom of space was allowed. My favorite, was "Marshall  
and Keynes" by Peter Groenewegen, a fascinating and admirable  
condensation of the extensive treatment Groenewegen gave to this  
topic in his recent biography of Marshall (Groenewegen, 1995). It  
shows clearly the continuing impact of Marshall and Marshallian habits  
of thought on Keynes's work up to and including his framing of the  
_General Theory_. Other entries raise expectations that are ultimately  
disappointed. In the treatment of Lucas and the "New Classical School  
of Economics," for instance, there is a lamentable failure to confront  
the challenge that the last decades' theoretical debates have posed for  
Keynesian economics. The reader longs to see a position taken on who  
has been left standing after the dust settles. Instead, we get sterile  
recounting of the dry points of various famous articles (evidently no  
"books" are influential in this field anymore) with no attempt at  
evaluation. (For a sterling discussion of this very topic, one that goes  
far to redeem Keynesianism, while recognizing the contributions of  
Lucas, see Peter Howitt's "Expectations and Uncertainty in  
Contemporary Keynesian Models" in Harcourt and Riach, 1997). I  
suspect that the editors wanted to limit the partisanship of the volume  
and thus let each camp speak for itself. No conflict seems evident in  
this account and thus no evaluation of what we have learned from the  
tumultuous debates of the last twenty years emerges. Similar  
complaints apply to the entries on "Money," "Neutrality of Money: The  
Keynesian Challenge," "Monetary Policy," and "Business Cycles."   
Partly this unsatisfactory nature of the debate reflects the problem of  
what purpose such a volume is intended to fulfill. This encyclopedia  
seems to be at cross-purposes with itself. It wants to reach out for  
inclusiveness-arguably all macroeconomics _can_ be considered in  
some sense derivative from Keynes. Yet it must be taking sides to  
some extent in light of its very title. There has obviously been an  
explosion of scholarship on Keynes, Keynesianism, Post-Keynesianism  
and things Keynes-like (e.g., the philosophical issues surrounding  
expectation formation) in recent years. Much of this work was spurred  
by the combination of dissatisfaction with macro theory in the seventies  
and the publication of Keynes' _Collected Works_. Thus there is now  
a whole (often interesting) sub-culture of the sub-culture that is the  
History of Economics devoted to Keynes studies. Another aspect of  
the same period of resurgence of interest in Keynes has been the  
extreme partisanship of macroecnonomic debates. It came to be  
something of a political and methodological 'statement' to be identified  
as a Keynesian in the eighties. While none of the issues raised in this  
period were ever settled-indeed I would say that much of Keynesianism  
has aged the period considerably better that any one would have  
predicted in the midst of the New Classical heyday-the debate itself  
seems now to have disappeared (except to be drearily recounted in the,  
significantly _last_, chapters of most otherwise Keynesian intermediate  
macro texts). Talking to most recent Ph.D. graduates reveals a  
pervasive ignorance and disdain for the whole topic of  
macroeconomics. Thus at whom is the present volume aimed? Is it  
designed to convert the heathen or to preach to the choir?  
Consideration of this issue will bring us back to the peculiar state of  
modern macro theory mentioned above. To motivate that consideration  
I would like to direct attention to the general history of encyclopedias,  
looking for clues to the role they have played in past eras of  
Encyclopedias as a bibliographic form can be traced back more than  
2000 years (see the _Encyclopedia Britannica_ entry for a useful  
account). The beginnings in Greek and Roman times play upon the first  
meaning of the word-a circle-to imply a complete system of learning or  
an all around education. There is a long and fascinating history of the  
concept since Plato's nephew Speusippus (died 339 BC) began to  
convey his uncle's ideas by recording the spoken word of the Forum.  
Some issues that arose over the course of this long development are  
interesting to consider in relation to our current theme. The question of  
audience has always been paramount. For most of their history  
encyclopedias were written to be a source of sound moral instruction.  
Hence the fashion of including biographies of exemplars from the past.  
The reader, it was hoped, would be elevated, inspired and refined by  
contact with the minds and lives of ideal man. Prior to the  
Enlightenment, encyclopedias were usually intended for very select  
groups that the author or editors could easily visualize and about whom  
they could therefore make certain assumptions. Early on, one could  
assume that he could read Latin (or "she" could-one of the most  
beautiful mediaeval encyclopedias is an illustrated manuscript of 636  
pages by the abbess Herrad (died 1195), for use by the nuns in her  
charge). Other safe assumptions included that he or she was of high  
status and young and so in need of instruction, or later that he or she  
was a believing Christian, probably a Catholic cleric. In these didactic  
encyclopedias the common presumptions of the background of the  
reader were the source of the notion that encyclopedias should  
dispense with excessive moralizing and commentary in trade for brevity  
and clarity. Thus many early encyclopedias were little more than  
compendiums of selected passages of great writers, chosen to impart  
information that would be useful in the readers' work and private life.   
Another closely associated concern of encyclopedias in the pre- 
Modern period was the issue of the division of knowledge into the  
Sacred and Profane, or the Spiritual and the Secular. Increasingly, as  
scholarship became more developed and use was found for non- 
Christian ancient texts in describing the world, the Scholastic  
encyclopedists found themselves torn between acceptable beliefs and a  
passion for objective reporting of scientific observations. This division  
of course reached its height in the Enlightenment period. In the hands  
of Bacon, and especially Denis Diderot, the implicit and explicit  
purpose was to herald a new secular order where all thought would be  
encompassed in a philosophical system based on logic and natural law - 
 the Enlightenment project. Diderot's famous _Encyclopedie_ (1751- 
65) enlisted, perhaps for the first time, a gigantic assemblage of high  
quality writers, commissioned to survey only secular knowledge.  
Scandalous in its day as a challenge to orthodox authority, this  
concept, as much as its uneven execution, has been accorded a  
substantial role in conditioning the revolutionary spirit of France in  
those crucial last decades of the Ancien Regime (Darnton, 1979).   
If this can only seem incredible to us today-a revolutionary  
encyclopedia! - it is not only due to the irrelevance of the Academy in  
our post-Modern age. More directly it is due to the British reaction to  
the French Encyclopedia. The _Britannica_ consciously avoided the  
lengthy and scandalous polemics of Diderot's work, and instead  
soberly set out to achieve with an extensive list of short, factual 
the aim of complete scientific and scholarly coverage. To this day we  
associate this task with the very meaning of encyclopedic. In the  
vernacular, completeness is the essence of what might be called the  
popular view of encyclopedias as the ready source for the answer to all  
queries. (In this regard it is useful to recall that in the 18th and 19th  
centuries most encyclopedias were sold ahead of time by mass  
subscription, the funds from which went to pay the writers. Since then  
the notion of a mass audience, not a select few, has characterized most  
modern encyclopedias.) This all-encompassing authority of  
encyclopedias is a view that has no doubt been much damaged at the  
hands of encyclopedia salesmanship, but still "sells" to the general  
public via parental faith in educational salvation for their children and  
schoolroom searches for last minute research papers. Truth be told the  
attraction reaches much higher in the hierarchy of the knowledge  
industry than that. What scholar can deny the still live attraction of the  
promise of knowing the essentials of all there is to know? Thus we can  
easily connect with the marketing savvy that inspired Dominco Bandini  
to market his fifteenth-century encyclopedia as _Fons Memorabilium  
Universi_ ("The Source of the Noteworthy Facts of the Universe").   
Considering this complex set of issues from the general history of  
encyclopedias along with modern economics is an interesting exercise.  
Let us begin with the question of audience. An outside audience for  
economics in its true rhetorical dress of peculiar notation and  
specialized jargon is now an impossibility. Most of economic  
"research," like most of science in general, has now progressed into  
corners that only the sub-discipline specialists themselves care to  
venture. Consequently the notion of an all-encompassing dictionary of  
economics, let alone of all knowledge as in encyclopedias of old, now  
is beyond belief. Today, the primary purpose of a scientific  
encyclopedia is to explain to the profession as a whole what the  
specialists in any area are doing. Here is one dimension in which  
economics truly can compare to modern science. The _New Palgrave_  
definitely fits this bill, as anyone who has ever sent an undergraduate  
over to the library to consult it has found. If ever there was one of  
those much discussed businessmen for whom Marshall was writing at  
the turn of the century, they are definitively not the targets of economic  
encyclopedias, the _Encyclopedia of Keynesian Economics_ included.  
Who among us economists then would profit from the volume? It is  
safe to say that anyone _could_ profit from some aspect of the  
volume. At the most universal level some biographies are very  
interesting and even instructive (some are horribly dull). My favorite  
was the account by Robert Leeson of the New Zealander A.W.H.  
Phillips, of the much abused Phillips Curve (an association he was  
evidently loath to acknowledge). He was a kind of Henry-George-like  
figure in his colorful background and circuitous route to economics by  
way of earning his living as a fiddler, crocadile hunter, RAF officer,  
Japanese prisoner of war and engineer. He seems also to have been an  
exemplar of the gentleman scientist in the best possible sense of the  
phrase-disdaining both his own personal acclaim and the, as he saw it,  
distasteful acrimony of the macro policy debates inspired by his  
famous paper. But even less colorful biographies offer interesting  
tidbits-for instance that R. E. Lucas's parents were New Deal  
Democrats, that he earned his BA in history and that he prefers to be  
called a "Monetarist" rather than a "New Classicalist." Of course the  
fascination of Keynes's biography needs no elaboration. Beyond the  
personal stories, unfortunately, it seems very doubtful to me in our ever  
more unconsciously conservative profession that many besides the  
already initiated will find a dictionary on "Keynesian" economics worth  
the look.   
Which brings me to the issue of fact versus faith, or what the medieval  
monks who compiled encyclopedias termed, "the sacred and the  
profane." If encyclopedias are to instruct the young and uninitiated they  
must have some imprimatur of authority akin to the ecclesiastical seal  
that the scholastics put upon medieval texts and the similarly  
ceremonial listing of the legion of famous authorities, resplendent in  
their degrees and positions, which all modern mass-market  
encyclopedias display prominently at the head of the first volume.  
Amongst the brothers and sisters of the macro faith today, though, the  
priesthood is in serious disarray. There is little enough agreement on  
basic principles for a consensus among specialists, let alone among the  
profession as a whole. Just who are the true priests and who are the  
worshipers of false idols varies by sect. It is this state of uncertainty  
and discord, I believe, that has effected the graduate training of new  
economists and turned them away from macroeconomics at just a point  
in time when the topic seems so interesting. If one has to spend hours  
learning the latest refinements of New Classical, Real Business Cycle,  
New Keynesian and Cash-in-Advance macro models to get through the  
macro sequence, there is little time left to synthesize what one really  
knows about macroeconomic theory, much less macroeconomic  
events that will not be covered on the preliminary exam. More telling  
perhaps is the partisanship, for no vibrant research program is ever just  
a catalogue of received truths, but must generate ever-new questions  
and puzzles to progress. If there is little tolerance shown for alternative 
viewpoints by the lights of the profession, then graduate students are  
not to be blamed for their reluctance to try to sort it all out for  
Moreover, if the student does happen to have a prior interest in macro  
events or, more likely, finds himself assigned to teach or write about  
macro to a non-economist audience (like a group of Principles  
students) he will quickly find that the only intelligible framework for  
doing so is the very same old-time Keynesian macro of the pre-Lucas  
era that was supposedly destroyed by that JPE paper back in '75! An  
archipelago of islands inhabited by rational agents, continuously in  
equilibrium but frustrated by the signal extraction problem is interesting  
enough, perhaps-but what does it have to tell us about the crash of the  
crash of the Indonesian Baht and its implication for the sustainability of  
the long boom in the U.S.? Faced with the latter question, one  
inevitably starts talking about aggregate demand, lender of last resort,  
etc., in ways that would hardly surprise your average 1970s-era macro  
Or, alternatively, we have this puzzle that Alan Greenspan has now  
spoken of on numerous occasions of how to determine if the recent  
(pleasant) inflation surprise was a temporary cyclical artifact of reduced  
world demand or a new era of increased productivity growth. From the  
realm of high theory we might well sense a resemblance to both the new  
endogenous growth literature and the real business cycle model. But  
what do they have to offer in explanation for the current short-term  
situation or as a guide to Fed policy making? Next to nothing it would  
seem, judging from the discussions at the recent FOMC meetings. Yoo  
(1998) offers a very interesting analysis of the "puzzlement" in the  
FOMC over what they should do to respond to the current macro  
situation. His analysis, following their discussion, is framed in terms of  
such issues as the state of "aggregate supply," "productivity," the  
"investment and consumption components of aggregate demand" and  
the "capacity constraints on the economy." Reflecting on the impact of  
the recent macro theory debates, he notes that the Fed continues to  
distrust money supply growth as a reliable indicator and finds itself  
"puzzled" by recent performance. The minutes for the FOMC meeting  
of May 20, 1997 report that:   
The members found it very difficult to account for the surprisingly  
benign behavior of inflation in an economy that had been operating at a  
level approximating full employment, indeed, possibly somewhat above  
sustainable full employment in labor markets in the view of a number of  
members, especially taking into consideration the recent further decline  
in the unemployment rate. On the basis of historical patterns, any  
overshooting of full employment would be expected to generate rising  
inflation over time. (quoted in Yoo, 1998, p. 35)   
In one fashion we might say that the big puzzle for the Fed has been to  
try to uncover what the non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment  
(NAIRU) now is, after having seen virtually every consensus estimate  
of it for the last 15 years succumb to continuing growth with falling  
My point is that virtually all of this policy discussion is conducted in  
terms of an aggregate short-run supply and demand framework that  
most closely resembles textbook Keynesianism of the kind that still  
dominates the intermediate course market. It bears little evidence of  
influences from the last 20 years of macro research. And if such an  
application were to be attempted, what would it suggest? That we  
continuously measure the elasticity of substitution between labor and  
leisure and between present and future consumption? That we try to  
anticipate the next shock to the economy's production function - which  
are after all considered completely stochastic in the New Classical/Real  
Business Cycle literature anyway? At best such models approach  
reality by a non-unique calibration of a whole set of parameters that  
allows the model to simulate the record of past business cycles. They  
seem to have no forecasting ability. Note, that while automatic "rules"  
are very popular among recent theorists of macro policy, no central  
bank is actually bold enough to seriously adopt one. Flying completely  
blind, counting on the economy to right itself, neglecting any attempt at  
anticipation of events, is not in the repertoires of central bankers today 
 if it ever was (see John Wood's forthcoming book (Wood, 2000) for a  
fascinating argument about the mindset of central bankers versus that  
of economists).   
Yet confidence in the self-correcting automaticity of the  
macroeconomy is the bedrock of classicism (old and new), considered  
as a policy framework. Thus to give the classical view its due we  
should also consider the possibility that we have returned to the long- 
run stability of some past macroeconomic golden age-the gold- 
standard era seems to be a favorite. This would be a period when  
budgets were routinely balanced, governments non-intrusive and money  
so stable in value that actors on the economic stage did not even  
consider monetary policy in their calculations. Or, put more  
theoretically, the explanation might be that macroeconomics is not even  
at issue and what we are dealing with today is long-run supply  
considerations that no macro policy could do anything to foster in the  
first place. It is tempting to reply, "tell that to the Japanese!" More  
soberly, what evidence can we bring to bear on this proposition?   
First I believe it is the economic historians who staged the debate in the  
last 15 years or so on the question of the relative stability of older 
war, pre-Keynesian) business cycles, versus newer (post-war, activist  
government-era) cycles. The exact outcome of the debate as I read it  
(Romer, 1986, Lebergott, 1986, Weir 1986, Diebold and Rudebush,  
1992) is that the initial, and macroeconomically conventional, claim that  
the post-war business cycle was more stable (challenged by Romer,  
defended by the others) still holds up. But whatever the case, no one  
has suggested that the post-war cycle is _less_ stable than the pre-war  
one. Outside of price stability (where the Gold-standard era is clearly  
superior), data scarcity makes macroeconomic comparisons before  
1929 difficult. But an argument can certainly be made (given one's  
weighting of low unemployment and growth along with price stability)  
that the 1950-1970 era (1961-1969 is still the longest expansion on  
record but is normally discounted for the "war" effect when compared  
with "peacetime" expansions) is the most 'golden' of ages from the  
standpoint of macro performance - particularly if we look at  
international comparisons. Is returning to a pre-war policy context  
_necessarily_ a good thing?   
But other problems are also evident in a crude classical view from a  
shorter-term perspective. One, the fiscal policy aspect is not at all 
The long-boom(s) of the last 15 years (the expansions 1982:4 - 1990:3,  
plus 1991:2 - today) were of course mostly a period of extremely high  
and growing deficits, though followed by shrinking ones after 1992.  
Moreover, as the European countries positioned themselves for  
monetary union, they too shrunk their deficits as a percent of GDP  
(since about 1994). But they have mostly seen no similar decline in the  
unemployment rate. Thus the role of fiscal effects is not easy to  
untangle. An alternative story could be told that the U.S. example is one  
of fiscal demand stimulus (under the banner of supply-side  
economics), followed by a cyclically balanced budget as the Clinton  
tax-plan and output increases pushed up tax revenue. Finally, as to the  
benefits of the productivity shocks we may be experiencing, they are of  
course part of the Keynesian view in terms of the effect on aggregate  
supply. But one does wonder about Japan in this context, which seems  
to be the source of much of the information management and inventory  
techniques that are often cited as the source of the "New Economy,"  
but which can't pull itself out of a very deep recession. (It has been  
interesting to watch the US administration, the policy institutes and  
even the _Wall Street Journal_, admonish the Japanese for not pushing  
a more aggressive fiscal stimulus package. Evidently the rhetoric of  
balanced budgets stops at our shores.)   
Lastly there is the hand wringing over the financial and monetary  
situation. We have seen the Fed successfully intervene to ward of the  
contagion of financial crises and stock-market crashes both at home  
and abroad in this time period. The money supply seems to have  
become unhinged from inflation. Most policy moves are made today  
with a fearful eye on how the bond and stock markets will react. And  
the guru of the whole era's prosperity, Alan Greenspan, has nothing but  
stern words for the high-flying stock market. This potentially unstable  
combination of interlocking psychologies and ultimate dependence on  
the Fed to do what is right when the Fed itself seems puzzled over what  
is going on, does not look like an "automatic adjustment" economy to  
me. In fact it looks very much like the kind of economy Keynes was  
describing in the _General Theory_. Is this what the advocates of the  
supposedly unmanaged economies of old have in mind?   
The French Aristocracy and Jesuits together vehemently opposed  
Diderot's _Encyclopedie_. They were astute enough to realize the  
threat of Diderot's self-consciously secular system of knowledge  
becoming widely disseminated. It was not dangerous that the  
Philosophes were themselves embracing a new language in which to  
conduct their professional conversations. What was dangerous was for  
the 2000 subscribers and the members of the Paris salons in which they  
gathered, to begin to notice that the entries on government and morality  
put forth in the _Encyclopedie_ declared their position to be derivative  
of natural laws and not divine or ecclesiastical authority. If this view  
were to become widespread, they correctly sensed, the basis of the  
Ancien Regime was at risk.   
Today in macroeconomics we have a curious reversal of this old  
conflict between social authority and profane science. The 'science' of  
macroeconomics itself has retreated into a kind of religiousity - what  
Keynes, complaining of his classical critics, called "scholasticism." To  
him this was a discussion that proceeds in a kind of infinite loop,  
sustained by shared cherished assumptions that are not allowed to be  
questioned- like continuous market clearing and the insistence on  
modeling all choice as if it were made by rational anticipation of the  
consequences in situations defined by the impossibility of such  
anticipation. The risk of such private conversations is that  
Macroeconomics may be in the process of becoming irrelevant.  
Meanwhile the macroeconomy marches forward and policy analysis  
has become the province of non-economist policy analysts and low- 
status (within the economics profession) government staff economists.  
Much of the toolkit of these (evidently very successful) practitioners  
are filled with theories and tools that modern highbrow theory has  
relegated to historians and outmoded "Keynesians." Many of these  
tools are profiled in the encyclopedia under review.   
Michael S. Lawlor is Professor of Economics at Wake Forest  
University. His most recent publication on Keynes was the chapter  
"The Classical Theory of the Rate of Interest," in G.C. Harcourt and  
P.A. Riach, eds, 1997. _A 'Second Edition' of The General Theory_.  
London and New York: Routledge.   
Darnton, Robert, 1979. _The Business of the Enlightenment: A  
Publishing History of the Encyclopedia_. Cambridge: Harvard  
University Press   
Diebold, Francis X., and Glenn D. Rudebusch. " Have Postwar  
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