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Print Reply
Fri Mar 31 17:19:10 2006
[log in to unmask] (John Lodewijks)
text/plain (89 lines)
----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
Announcing the publication of the 
History of Economics Review 
No. 30  Summer 1999 
D.P. O'Brien and the History of Economic Analysis .... John Creedy   
Economics and the Origin of Popper's Situational Analysis  .... Allen  
Misinterpreting Gustav Cassel: Origins and Implications for the  
Contemporary Literature  .... Imad Moosa   
Pareto on the Cause of Value: Maurice Dobb's Partial Assessment  ....  
Michael McLure   
Mainstream Consumer Theory: Delay, Acceptance and HET texts  ....  
Sravros Drakopoulos & Anastassios Karayannis   
Reflections on the Centenary of J.B. Clark's "The Distribution of  
Wealth" .... Peter Groenewegen   
Minisymposium: Australian Economists in the Twentieth Century  
(Guest Editor: Selwyn Cornish)   
R. Downing, The Keynesian Revolution and Reconstruction  ....  
Nicholas Brown   
Coombs the Keynesian  .... Tim Rowse 
Sir Leslie Melville: Keynesian or Pragmatist?  .... Selwyn Cornish   
Comment  .... Heinz Arndt 
A Note Correcting Several Mathematical Errors in Skidelsky  ....  
Michael Brady   
Review Articles 
The Dissent of Economists: A Response to Courvisanos and Jones  ....  
Richard Holt & Steven Pressman   
What is Classical Economics?  .... Tony Aspromourgos 
The Leisure Class in the Twenty First Century  .... Ray Petridis 
Economics and Reality  .... Rajani Kanth 
In Honour of Lorie Tarshis  .... Geoffrey Harcourt 
In Honour of Pierangelo Garegnani  .... John King 
HETSA 1999 Conference 
After Dinner Remarks  .... E. Roy Weintraub 
Conference Program and Abstracts 
Minutes of the Business Meeting 
All up its 199 pages. The cost is $US15 which includes postage. Make  
checks payable to HETSA and send to:   
John Lodewijks 
School of Economics 
University of New South Wales 
Sydney, NSW 2052 
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