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European Society for the History of Economic Thought
In collaboration with University of Milano-Bicocca, University of Pavia
International conference:
Employment, Technology and Institutions in the Process of Structural
Change. A History of Economic Thought Perspective
Pavia/Milan,16-17 November 2001
The conference is organised by ESHET jointly with the Department of
Political Economy and Quantitative Methods of the University of Pavia and
with the Department of Political Economy of the University of
Milano-Bicocca. The program includes two sessions of half day each: the
opening session will be in Pavia on 16 November 2001 and the final session
in Milan the 17 November.
The conference examines the way in which great economists of the past
analyse some specific process of economic and social change. Structural
change is a phenomenon that too often the modern economic theory neglects.
This was not the case in past and above all for some great authors. The
conference runs through some of the major topics and tries to focus on the
implications for the methodology of economic science and its evolution.
The conference will bring out some of the fundamental aspects of structural
change, in particular on the role of technology and of institutions.
Particular attention is devoted to money. Through the re-reading of some of
the important contributions in the history of the economic thought; the
conference highlights some of the analytical and methodological problems
which might provide a better understanding of the real world.
Participation of doctoral candidates is encouraged and in particular the
conference will be attended by students from two doctoral programmes in
Political Economy respectively based in Pavia and Milano-Bicocca.
Provisional programme:
Friday 16, 3 pm. Pavia
Chair: Luigi Pasinetti (Catholic University of Milan)
The first session includes research work on Smith and other classical
authors such as Ricardo and other contributions on the Continent, This
session examines in particular the role of technology and of trade policies
in the process of structural change.
Andrew Skinner (Glasgow): Adam Smith in a historical perspective
Eric Streissler (Vienna): International Economic Exchange: Comparative
Advantage in the WN and in Ricardo in relation to factor Movements
Bertram Schefold (Frankfurt): Markets, morals and economic policy. German
views from the time of the Reformation to Cameralism
Philippe Steiner (Paris I): The Division of Labour, Knowledge and Growth in
Say's Political Economy
Saturday 17, 10. am Milan
Chair: Andrew Skinner (University of Glasgow)
The second session deals with the evolution of the monetary theory above
all in the eighteenth century and the formation and of the role of the
central banks, but it also highlights the importance of modern instruments
for the understanding of long run social changes.
Cristina Marcuzzo (Roma): J.M. Keynes and the quantity theory of money
Walter Eltis (Oxford): Relevance of Wicksell to the World Economic Crisis
of 2001.
Christian Schmidt (Paris Dauphine): The Contribution of Game Theory to
Economic Change and Social Evolution a History-of-Economic- Thought
Discussants to be assigned. Participants will include Pascal Bridel
(Lausanne), Salvador Almenar (Valencia), John Vint (Manchester
Metropolitan), George Stathakis (Crete), Members of the two Italian
Departments, Research students.
Scientific Committee:
Carluccio Bianchi(Pavia), Niccolò De Vecchi(Pavia), Giorgio
Lunghini(Pavia), Graziella Marzi(Milan), Piergiovanna Natale(Milan), Pier
Luigi Porta(Milan), Bertram Schefold(ESHET), Patrizio Tirelli(Milan),
Gianni Vaggi(Pavia).
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